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The symptoms you describe are not ones that could be put down to pregnancy especially at this stage of your cycle. There must be another cause.

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Q: Just had period side of abdomen and stomach feels a little tight could i be pregnant or is this in my head?
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Does stomach pains mean a girl is pregnant?

No, but it might mean that she has a stomach virus, or she is starting her period.

Having your period one day before your period After having your period without intercourse and have a bubbling feeling in the lower abdomen can you still be pregnant?

Um... If ur on ur period, ur not pregnant.

I had a period for 3 days can i be pregnant i have been feeling fluttering in my stomach and my upper abdomen is hard and it bulges out.. eventhough i had my tubes tied in 2005?

No you can't be pregnant! Relax! Your period can last anywhere from 3 to 7 days! As for the fluttering and hardness in your abdomen, well, that's probably just some light cramps and bloating. You might've gained some water weight as a result of your period and that might explain those feelings too.

Why is my stomach so huge when I'm on my period?

Because your pregnant

You are 5 weeks pregnant according to your last period but your lower abdomen isnt hard are you pregnant?

The lower abdomen don't get hard until you are several months into the pregnancy. Right now the embryo is very tiny. First the belly will build up more fat on the stomach for protection. Usually you don't start to show until second trimester.

If your lower part of your stomach is hard after nine weeks after period?

If your stomach is hard nine weeks after period you are probably either pregnant or blood is filling up in your stomach

4 weeks pregnant feel bloated?

I am 4 weeks pregnant and feel a little heavy in the lower abdomen, but feel huge and bloated after i eat. Right after my period was due my boobs started to kill me and starting to pee alot.

Feels like your ribs are expanding and you have pain in lower stomach and around belly button area are you pregnant?

The easiest way to tell if you're pregnant before you use a test kit is that your breasts get larger and sorer, you get cramps regulary around your lower abdomen and you miss your period.

If your girlfriend feels bad from the stomach and shes not pregnant what is it?

she is probably on her period

Can you get stomach cramps before first period and not being pregnant?


You are having a very light period and sharp pains in the sides of your abdomen?

You might be pregnant - take a test

My stomach is sticking out ..walk like pregnant can I be pregnant?

You could be pregnant. Have you had your period. Grab your partner or a friend and buy a pregnancy test.