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yes its possible of course you can get preggy! who would ask a dumb question like that?

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Q: Could you get pregnant if the guy stuck the head of his penis in your vagina but then took it out fast?
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Your boyfriend stuck it in without a condom a couple times could you be pregnant?

If he deposited sperm in your vagina and you ovulated, you could be pregnant. No sperm, no baby.

If a guy only stuck his penis in one time could you be pregnant?


What can be stuck in a woman's vagina?

Penis, finger, pickle.

Can you get pregnant if a condom got stuck in your vagina an he ejaculated in it?

Yes, if the ejaculatory fluids came in contact with your vagina you can get pregnant.

What is a penis ment for?

Honestly... A penis is ment to be stuck inside if a vagina!! what else can you use it for?

How do you make a dog's penis knot?

Knotting a dogs penis is not taken literally it is not tying a penis in a knot it is when the dogs penis gets stuck in the dogs vagina and he begins ejaculating

How does sperm enter the female body?

Usually with the penetration of a penis stuck into the lady's vagina. Wow! sex

Are you pregnant if you dried your penis and then stuck it in your girlfriend 20 minutes later?

If you are pregnant, that will be news. Can she be pregnant? Possible. There are still going to be sperm in the penis. It only take 1 to do the job. Is it likely? No, Possible? Yes.

Why do dogs get stuck while mateing?

there is a mass of flesh at the base of the dogs penis, during copulation the dog inserts its penis into the bitches vagina. once the mass of flesh enters the vagina it starts to swell, this is called the knot. when the knot swells the penis becomes stuck, this is called the tie and can last up to 30 minutes, in some dog breeds the knot can swell to the size of a small grapefruit. this ensures the penis stays inside the bitch long enough for successful reproduction.

Why do wolves mating get stuck together?

Because the penis swells up inside the female dog's vagina, while the female dog's vagina mussels hold the penis in, this is called a "tie", with ordinary dogs DO NOT pull them apart injure them both.

How long are dogs stuck for?

Dogs can be stuck up to 30 minutes to 1 hour.When they are stuck try not too let the female or male pull because that can cause serious damage to the males penis and/or the female vagina.

Does a guy's penis get stuck in the vagina when doing it in water?

Not normally however water will remove some natural lubrication, often causing discomfort to the female and a less smooth experience