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Not normally however water will remove some natural lubrication, often causing discomfort to the female and a less smooth experience

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Q: Does a guy's penis get stuck in the vagina when doing it in water?
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Why do your eyes water when your boyfriend penetrates you?

Because your vagina is either tight or he has a large penis which causes mild pain making your eyes water

How do you get a penis into a vaigna?

The same way you get a water bottle ink your mouth. You push it in (the vagina is very flexible so it's not hard)

Can you get pregnant when sperm had come out during love making and after 15 min penis has entered a little bit in vagina after penis has dried?

It depends wether you've cleaned the sperm off enough. If you thurrly washed it, Eg. Shower, poured cup of water over glans probably not. I wouldn't suggest this though, always use a condom when a penis is going to make contact with a vagina.

Is it possible to be pregnant and not even be near a penis?

You cannot get pregnant from stray sperm in swimming pools or stray sperm in general. Sperm is very delicate and can be destroyed by water or sometimes even air, even bacteria in the vagina itself can kill sperm. Unless you use artificial insemination, a penis and a vagina together are necessary to make a baby.

I have a dog and his penis is bright red and very swollen and looks like its just stuck is something wrong?

This depends on what his penis is stuck in... if it is stuck in a female dog, it is breeding, This happens to ALL dogs at breeding time. If it is stuck out, he is just relaxed and happy. The 2nd part of this response is not only false, but dangerous. The condition described, if prolonged, is called paraphimosisDuring an erection, the bulbourethral gland on a dog's penis can swell so much it is too wide to retract into the sheath. If the erection is prolonged, the penis becomes dry and cannot be withdrawn. To treat this condition, lubricate the penis with water-soluble jelly and slide it back in its sheath. If this is not possible, keep it moistened with lubricant and get veterinary help.

What is a vulvae?

A vulva is a a part of the vagina it is up there women pee out of the vulva. there is a G-spot if a penis hits it it explodes with water. i always hit the G-Spot That is where you finger a girl.

Can daily intercourse harm your vagina.?

As long as you are fully aroused and lubricated, there is no reason why you can't have daily intercourse. The vagina is built to receive a penis in the right condition. Just maintain good personal hygiene, drink lots of water, urinate and clean after sex, and have fun!

If a girl says that I am cute does that mean she will suck my penis?

no, it means that she will get on top of ur dick and bounce up and down until she's run out of water... then she'll suck it. and she'll want you to lick her vagina and eat her out

Is there any risk for anus vagina contact?

It is safe to go from the vagina to the anus during sex. But if you go from the anus BACK to the vagina, bacteria from the anus can cause urinary tract infection or bladder infection. Use a condom. Make sure you use a new condom when going from anus to vagina during sex. If you are trying to conceive, make sure the male cleanses his penis with mild soap and warm water before making the switch back to vaginal sex.

What is meant by treading water?

It is where your float on the water with your penis out !

Can you put bleach in the water for a tighter vagina?

Don't put bleach anywhere near your vagina.

How do you get rid of odor from vagina?

vinegar and water