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From how it sounds yes. You have to go to the doctor and ask these questions

AnswerNot likely. I had an abdominal pregnancy, meaning ectopic but not in the tubes. After surgery, the HCG levels only slowly decreased over a time of 7 months. Pregnancy tests were still positive but only due to placental tissue somewhere in the abdomen that eventually gets absorbed by the body. It is a weird phenomenon. Your doctor should be familiar with this. I had my blood tested for the HCG decreaase once every 2 weeks until all was back to normal.

Yes it is possible it is called a heterotopic. I had a tubal pregnancy removed and was still pregnant i am now 4 months the doctors said it could have been twins. Look up Heterotopic, hope this helps

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Q: Could you still be pregnant if you had a tubal pregnancy in your right tube and had it removed but then started having symptoms of still being pregnant and a week later a test came back positive?
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