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It is Alfred Nobel. For more information, please see

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1mo ago

No, Alfred Nobel did not win the Nobel Peace Prize for inventing dynamite. He established the Nobel Prizes through his will, including the Nobel Peace Prize, to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to peace efforts. Nobel himself was a chemist and inventor known for inventing dynamite and other explosives.

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12y ago

No, the Nobel Prizes were only established after the death of Alfred Nobel using the fortune he had amassed from his hundreds of inventions (one of which was dynamite).

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Q: Did Alfred Nobel win a Nobel peace prize for inventing dynamite?
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Who started the novel peace prize?

Alfred Nobel started the Nobel Prize with the $9 million he earned from inventing dynamite.

How did the Nobel Peace Prize begin?

In 1901

What did Alfred Nobel dedicate his life to?

Alfred Nobel dedicated his life to inventing and promoting explosives, most notably the invention of dynamite. He also established the Nobel Prizes, which honor achievements in science, literature, and peace.

What was Alfred Nobel known for?

Alfred Nobel was known for inventing dynamite and establishing the Nobel Prizes. He was an inventor, engineer, and industrialist who held more than 350 patents. His creation of dynamite revolutionized the construction and demolition industries.

What did Peace Prize founder Alfred Nobel invent?

Alfred Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Peace Prize, invented dynamite.

What is a brief bio summary about Alfred nobel?

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor, engineer, and industrialist known for inventing dynamite. He established the Nobel Prizes in his will, which are awarded annually for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. Nobel's creation of the prizes was inspired by his desire to leave a positive legacy after his invention of dynamite was used in warfare.

Why was the nobel peace prize started?

(I'm fairly sure) It's because Alfred Nobel, after inventing dynamite, didn't want to be remembered as the inventor of a killing device, so he made a peace prize to show that he had no evil intentions.

Who is the inventor of the Nobel prize and why?

The Nobel Prize was established by the will of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor, engineer, and industrialist, who is best known for inventing dynamite. Nobel wanted to leave a legacy that would benefit humanity and promote peace, leading to the creation of the Nobel Prizes in 1895.

Who credited with inventing dynamite began noble prize awards?

Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, is credited with founding the Nobel Prize awards. In his will, he designated funds to establish the prizes as a way to reward individuals for their contributions to humanity in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.

Alfred nobel for what nonpeaceful creation was the founder of the peace prize responsible?


What prize is named after Alfred Nobel?

Alfred Nobel... the inventor of dynamite.

Who established the nobel peace prizes in 1986?

I think you mean 1896, it was Alfred Nobel, the inventor of Dynamite.