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No, chemical weapons were not used by Germany or the Allies in WW2.

On top of that, I'm not certain but I don't think Berlin had subways at that time. At least I don't remember ever reading any reference to them. Michael Montagne

The first subway line in Berlin was opened on Feb. 18th 1902. By 1930 the different lines were 48 miles long, on top of that came several undergroung railroad lines(S-Bahn).

No. Any underground tunnel of any kind was constantly being used as air raid shelter by the German population itself, long before the final defense of Berlin.

In addition, Hitler as Supreme Commander of the armed forces, having been gassed himself in WWI, explicitly forbade the use of any poison gas by German military forces, even though for a long period early in the war the Germans possessed stockpiles of certain nerve agents that the Allies did not have.

No, but a section of deep-level S-Bahn (urban railway) was flooded.

Of course, the ban on the use of chemical weapons referred to above only applied to possible use against people would might use them in retaliation. There was NO ban on their use in extermination camps.

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Q: Did Hitler gas the subways in the Siege of Berlin?
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