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Not that I know of. But he did BUY land from France which was the Louisiana Purchase.

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Q: Did Thomas Jefferson sell public lands to reduce the national debt?
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Why did Jefferson reduce military?

Jefferson reduced military expenses to lower the national debt

Why did Jefferson reduce military expenses?

Jefferson reduced military expenses to lower the national debt

Why did Thomas Jefferson reduce the size of the federal government?

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There is a 12 step progam at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial hospital that offers weekly classes that are open to the public.

Why did Thomas Jefferson try to end federalist program?

He wanted to limit federal power and wanted to reduce the role of government in people's lives. He believed that under the Federalists the national government had taken on powers that belonged to the states.

Why did Thomas Jefferson try to end fedralist programs?

Type your answer here... He wanted to limit federal power and wanted to reduce the role of government in people's lives. He believed that under the Federalists the national government had taken on powers that belonged to the states.

How did Jefferson plan to reduce the national debt?

he made major cuts to the army and navy and streamlined the government bureaucracy.

Did Thomas Jefferson try to increase or limit the power of government in the early 1800's?

Thomas Jefferson aimed to limit the power of the federal government during his presidency in the early 1800s. He believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and advocated for states' rights and decentralized government. Jefferson sought to reduce the federal government's influence and promote individual liberties and freedoms.

What good things did Thomas Jefferson do while he was president?

Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana purchase, this doubled the USA. Thomas Jefferson also was an author of the Declaration of Independence, he was one of five man to do this. He also cut expenditures in each branch.

What did Thomas Jefferson want to accomplish as president?

Thomas Jefferson hoped to make the government as efficient as possible, with little or no waste. He also hoped to have the opportunity to expand the country. Through drastic cuts, he was able to reduce the size of the government by a full 25 percent. He also expanded the United States with the Louisiana Purchase, which nearly doubled its size.

How did Thomas Jefferson reduce the size of the federal government?

He fired all tax collectors, cut the number of government employees and the number of US diplomats. In addition to that he shrank the military and rided the Sedition Act.

What are some reforms Jefferson made to meet his goal?

Thomas Jefferson hoped to reduce the size and expense of the federal governments and worked behind the scenes to accomplish his purposes in Congress. He significantly decreased the federal government by getting rid of staff, cutting the deficit, and cutting the army 50%. This reduced the federal bureaucracy, cut taxes and military spending. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was his biggest accomplishment, but sparked common critique because it went against his republican values of a strict interpretation of the Constitution. In 1807, Jefferson issued an embargo trying to force France and England to recognize the independent economy of the US, but it backfired by causing huge economic issues that bankrupted many merchants.