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no they didn't. they actually used the same thing except they used a different type of leaf.

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Q: Is caffeine same as cocaine
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What are some interesting facts about cocaine?

Cocaine is no more addicting then caffeine. The withdrawals are almost identical to caffeine. The long term use of either are just about the same. Caffeine is related to coca (cocaine) You can get a prescription for cocaine in it's powder form for anesthetic use (Dentists) During the Reagan Administration the CIA trafficked cocaine from Columbia to America to sell on the streets.

Which of the following is classified as a stimulant drug caffeine barbiturates alcohol or tranquilizers?

Caffeine, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine are stimulant

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Do coffee beans contain cocaine?

Absolutely not. People get in trouble because they believed that BS in the movie "Beverly Hills Cop". About the only way you will avoid detection is to vacuum pack your goodies in a metal container - and make SURE that you, your clothing and all other associated materials have never been in contact with the goods while packaging the stuff....Just a trace of the stuff on your fingers will leave a K-9 detectible amount on your container.

Have they exchanged cocaine with caffeine in coca cola?

No. The formula always had some caffeine (from the Kola nut originally and contributed to the name Coca Cola) and possibly more than it does now. The original formula was reported to contain coca leaves, but the amount was reduced significantly in 1903 and was totally gone by 1929.

What is the closest legal cocaine like substitute?

Caffeine, as a similar plant alkaloid, has similar effects.

What is the Nut used for flavoring soft drinks?

When launched Coca-Cola's two key ingredients were Cocaine(benzoylmethyl ecgonine) and Caffeine. The cocaine was derived from the Cocaleaf and the caffeine from Kola_nut, leading to the name Coca-Cola (the "K" in Kola was replaced with a "C" for marketing purposes

Which energy drink has more caffeine?

I personaly have found that the cocaine drink has the most so far Lonewolfe

Which drug has the greatest potential for aggravating schizophrenia?

CNS Stimulants like amphetamine, cocaine, caffeine etc.

Why did Coca-Cola have cocaine in it?

It contained coca leaf extract. This was a stimulant, like the caffeine from the kola nut. The coca leaves were removed from the formula in 1903 because of concerns about possible cocaine.

What are stimulats?

Stimulants are drugs that speed up the Central Nervous System. Some examples are Caffeine, Cocaine, and Amphetamines.