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movt. group has broad aims whereas pressure group has narrow aims. movt group has loose organisational structure but pressure groups has comparatively strict organisational structure.

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15y ago

Barley any, they're very similar.

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Q: Difference between interest group and pressure group?
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What is the difference between an interest group and a movement?

An interest group typically focuses on advocating for specific policies or issues affecting its members, often through lobbying and influencing government decisions. A movement, on the other hand, is a broader, more loosely organized group of individuals who mobilize around a common goal or cause, often driven by social or political change. Movements tend to be more grassroots and can involve collective action such as protests or demonstrations.

What is the difference between a null hypothesis and a research hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is the default hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that there is no difference between the control group and the treatment group. The research hypothesis proposes that there is a significant difference between the control group and the treatment group.

What is the difference between political party and interest group?

The difference is that a political party is part of how a politician is identified and interest groups are groups that focus specifically on certain issues. Depending on the issue interest groups tend to support a political party. For instance the NRA which is for less strict gun control laws associates themselves with the Republican Party. An interest group that is supportive of equal rights for all Americans would associate with the Democrat Party.

What is the difference between a ethic group and a religious group?

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Defferentiate between civil society and pressure groups?

civil society is an organization formed in the society to push societal interest to the government without any political affiliation whiles pressure groups are groups formed by group of people with similar interest and mind to push their interest to the government for the benefit of their members only and sometimes have political affiliations