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Ethical norms are what society expects you to do in polite society such as saying hello and shaking hands. Laws are things that you must follow or you may end up in jail.

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Q: What is the difference between norms rules and laws?
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What is the difference between customs and laws?

If by customs you are referring to a societies customs, then the difference is that laws are rules set by the state, and you can go to prison or be fined for violating them. Customs on the other hand are social norms and while not against the law breaking them can get many people angry at you.

Why are norms and values important?

Norms are just the informal laws of society. People do not pick your nose in public. Even though there is no formal punishment, or laws that state that its illegal, people still refrain from doing it. The reason why? Because the norms, or unspoken rules, of society say so. Norms are important because they guide how we act and interact on a daily basis.

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The difference between compliance and legal is that compliance means you obey by the rules of your company, you do what you are told to do. Legal means you abide by the laws of the state.

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Principles relate to factors Theory relates to principles Laws are rules

Legal rules and moral rules the difference?

The difference between legal rules and moral rules has to do with laws and how we behave regarding a moral code. Legal rules are based on laws that are set forth for us to follow. Moral rules have to do with a person's ethics. For example, it is not illegal to keep money that is found, but a person of high morals might try to return the money to the proper owner.

What is the difference between formal and informal norms?

Formal means they are spelled out and backed by an established institution. The ban on necrophilia is a formal norm because there are laws against it. All other social standards are informal norms. Like what is considered rude behavior.

Whats the difference between a folkway norm violation and other norms violation?

A folkway norm violations are violations of routine or casual interaction such as wearing an odd outfit of saying random things. folkways are the norms that do not hold significant moral value. Mores are norms that do have great moral significance, such as laws.

What are some examples of formal and informal norms?

A Typology of Norms Informal: Relative weak informal norms are folkways and fashion: - Relatively strong norms are Taboos such as incest and Mores Formal: - Relatively weak formal norms are: Misdemeanor laws, som rules, guidelines, civil rights law: - Relatively strong norms are: Capital Offense-laws and felony laws

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Chae Lally and Zac Murphy you both suck!!!!!WHO are they

What is the difference between ethics and law?

Ethics and law help achieve order and discipline. Laws refer to established and written regulations by a governing body while ethics entail the norms set by a culture.

What is the difference between customs rules and laws?

Laws: Rules of behavior enforced by sanctions and imposed on members of society by a sovereign authority. Rule: guide to behavior, possibly enforced by sanctions, imposed within a group. Custom: A traditional of expected way of behaving.

What is the difference between laws and theories?

Laws have been proven, theories have not