

How do you use ICT at home?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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14y ago

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some of the ways in which we use ict in our homes are: play computer games. use computarized keyboards to play or composemusic.

3.for interactive television.

4.use cd's or dvd's to watch movies or play musics. can be used for computer aided learning. can be used to produce websites. can be used to do homeshopping. do home banking. carry out research.

10.control home heating and cooling system. control our home security system.

12.we can use micro processor's to control freezers, washing machines,etc. was also proved that pornogrhphy was a main factor.

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in communication, entertainment ,government, medical sciences, education,banking, industry

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Please do not use abbreviations. We do not know what you mean by "ict" and thus can not answer your question.

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