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--- they only believe in one God... which is Allah.
Yes. Muslims believe in the same god worship by Christians and Muslims.

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Yes, Muslims only worship ONE god- the Almight ALLAH.

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Q: Do Muslim believe in one god?
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Is God a Muslim?

A Muslim is one who submits to Allah and obey His orders and also believe that Mohammad S.A.W.W is the last Prophet of All Prophet and no one will be after him. It does not make sense to call God a Muslim.

Do Muslim's Judaism or Islams believe in God?

Muslims are adherents to Islam. Both Judaism and Islam believe there is only one god.

What are the beliefs of a Muslim?

Muslim ascetics, like all Muslims, believe that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. They are monotheists and believe in the Qur'an.

What is the Law of the Muslim people?

The Law for the Muslim people is to believe in only one God, and also to be friendly with everybody.

Why do people believe that Muslims believe in a different god?

I am a Muslim and we believe the same god is you but we say Allah (GOD)

Who keep the name called Muslim?

Just the name if you mean anyone can have that. If you mean who is a muslim is the one who believe in one god and muhammad as the last prophet

Believe in God in Islam?

Yes, muslim's(people who follow the religion of Islam) believe in God.

Who made Allah?

If you believe in such things then Allah is the Islamic or Muslim word for God. Therfore no one 'made' him or her

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Islam is a monotheistic religion that believe in Allah as the one true god and Muhammad as his prophet.

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I believe in the one true God and I believe the alians are fallen angles that are stated in Genises, by the way people have had encounter with them.

Who are the Ismailis?

A Muslim group who believe in prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as their prophet and in Quran as their holy book and in God as the one and only one God. Refer to question below.

Who is the Persian god?

There's no such thing. They believe in the same God as Christian's, Muslim's and Jew's.