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Yes they use multiplication and division to measure geometry

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Q: Do architects use math operations of multiplication and and division in their work?
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What are the fundamental operation of math?

the fundamental operations in math are, addition +, subtraction -, division /,and multiplication x ..

Why is addition and subtraction and division and multiplication?

They are the four basic operations in math.

What are the four operations in math that you mostly use?

Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Division /

What are the 4 fundamental operations in math?

That refers to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

How many basic operations does math execute?

The basic 4 operations are: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

What are the four fundamental operations use in math?

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

What is the order of operations for solving math equations?

Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Substraction

What do you call addition subtraction multiplication and division?

They are the four basic operations in math.

What are the different types of math problems?

There are 4 basic maths operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Why are Multiplication Division Addition and Subtraction important for math?

It is most important because everything in math ties back to those four operations.

What is BEDMAS?

BEDMAS is a way to remember order of operations in math it stands for brackets,equations,division,multiplication,addition,and subtraction.

What is an arithmetic operator in c program?

An arithmetic operator is any of the "atomic" operators to do the following math operations: + addition - subtraction / division * multiplication % modulus division