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Lent is the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Easter. The Sundays are NOT part of the forty days. Therefore, there is no fasting on Palm Sunday or any Sunday during Lent.

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Q: Do catholics still get a day off from lenten fasting on Palm Sunday?
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Is Sunday a break from Lent?

It is true Sunday is a day when you can do or have what you gave up for Lent.Roman Catholic AnswerI'm not sure what you are asking when you ask if it is a "free" day, but Sundays are all feasts, one never fasts or abstains on a feast day, so if you are giving something up, then yes, you would be free of that obligation on any feast day. The Annunciation and St. Joseph's Day both usually fall in Lent and are both Solemnities, so if they fall on a Friday, that day would also not be a fast or abstinence day.

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Yes.In early times Christmas Eve (before the Vigil Mass) is a day of fasting and abstinence. The 1983 Code of Canon Law eliminated this fast altogether, but traditional Catholics still keep the fast, eating seafood and avoiding meat.However, the Catholic Church does not recognize Christmas or Christmas Eve as a day of fasting or abstinence.

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Yes, you can. The only days Catholics don’t eat meat are Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and the Fridays in the Lent season. It is therefore imperative to state that Catholics can eat meat during Holy Week. Having said this, there are still some Catholics who do not adhere to this. (this was my dear friend googles answer)

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Can you take paracetamol during a fasting session?

According to the rules of Ramadan, oral medications are not permitted during fasting hours, and it is up to each Muslim to determine what rules of Ramadan they particularly want to follow. There are no rules about medications like paracetamol during Christian Lenten fasting. According to the rules for Jewish fasting, a person may swallow bitter medicines in tablet, capsule or liquid form, but not if they are pleasant tasting or tasteless. The medicine must not be taken with water. If one cannot swallow the capsule or tablet without any liquid, he should use a bitter tasting liquid. (If the capsule or tablet will still be effective when mixed with water, this is a practical solution since such liquid is usually bitter tasting.) You can also consult a rabbi.

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it is advised that you shouldn't still fast for it

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Lord Calvert started the colony of Maryland as a refuge for Catholics who were still persecuted in England.

Are there any rules for Lent?

Some obligations during the Lenten season change between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church. For the Roman Catholic Church, some obligations for practicing Catholics over the age of 14 include abstaining from warmblooded meat, such as beef, poultry, ect. but other meat such as fish is still allowed. Also the is an obligation to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The Catholic notion of fasting is eating one full meal (10 oz.) and 2 small meals not to exceed the full meal. As every other Sunday of the year, it is an obligation to attend mass every Sunday during lent including Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation but is often attended. People also either vow to give up something or do something in order to make themselves closer to God for the 40 days of lent (every day minus Sundays. Sundays are not included because they are a joyous day celebrating Jesus rising from the dead.

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Approx 160,000 Roman Catholics live in Glasgow. The City is still overwhelmingly Protestant.

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If you are of the Baha'i Faith and your 15th birthday happens during the fasting period do you still fast for that year?

In that case you would begin fasting on your 15th birthday and not for the entire fast. Note that in this case, your birthday will be in the fasting period every year. As far as I know, there is no exemption in this case.