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It really depends on how their foster or adoption parent treats them and what age they know about the adoption.

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Q: Do children that do not grow up with their parents grow up with resentment?
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Children ALWAYS take their parents as a rolemodel in when growing up, and they just let go of their rolemodel parent and grow with that parents personality.

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Yes very much so because children want to be like their parents when they grow up

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Children can grow up with NO self-esteem and NO confidence in themselves.

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Because they are silly little children and need to grow up.

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why the way they look can change as they grow up?(Science Answers‎)

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Eating is very important to your health, and parents want their children to grow up to be healthy adults.

What are the consequnces of parents not letting their children date visit friends and socialize?

The children are likely to grow up with poor social communicational skills. as well as developing a lack of respect for their parents.

Should parents support their children or not?

Yes because parents have a whole lot to do and the kids are being taught to be better people when they grow up.

Is child's behavior is the result of the way he is nurtured by his parents?

Partially, yes. Children look up to their parents, whether or not their parents are a good influence. However, as children grow and mature, it is their choice how they respond to situations. For example, with freedom comes responsibilities. Children need to start to figure out more of their own problems as they grow up, because that is how it will be when they are adults. I am not saying you should loeave children on their own. But, I do mean that as children progress, they will have more obstacles to over come, and it is their choice how they respond to it. So, to sum this all up, I think that children look up to their parents and see them as an example. Parents also have the choice how protective they are of their children. If they never let them out of the door, how will they know what the world looks like? They will be naive and ignorant. This does not mean that you need to expose your children to things that are not age appropriate. Basically, my answer is yes, but not all the way. As children grow up they start to make more of their own decisions. If parents ignore a child's back-sassing or thingslike that, a child will grow up and do that to peers and other adults. You are your child's example. You make part of how he will influence the world. Make that influence good.

Why do parents get mad at children?

Because sometimes adults just really get kids mad.