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Cigarettes are horrible. They pretty much affect everything except for how cool you look.

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Q: Does smoking cigarettes lower your sex drive?
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Could liquor ruin a man sex drive?

Yes alcoholic beverages can lower a man's sex drive.

What womem can do if they have no sex drive?

Smoking, alcoholism, stress, depression and anxiety are among the cause of low sex drive among women. So to help you increase your sex drive you must change your lifestyle. But if this problem really bothered you better consult a doctor to help you assess your problem.

Can a man have a lower sex drive due to a groin and abdomen hernias?

No, but these problems can make sex painful enough for a guy to avoid it.

Is it true that smoking kills sperm cells?

Smoking impairs sperm count, sperm motility, reduces sperm lifespan, and may cause genetic changes that affect the offspring. Additionally, a 1999 study found that men who smoke have lower sex drives and less frequent sex.

How can I lower my sex drive i always am in the mood and my boyfriend can't perform I am tired of feeling frustrated?

Take up a new hobby, try not to think of sex and sexual thoughts.

What are some reasons why your husband is not interested in sex or intimacy?

He could be having problems with impotence, or just has a lower sex drive now. For other reasons, see link below.

What does low sex drive mean?

A high sex drive is rough, lusted sex. This is the opposite.

Why do young people general put peer pressure?

There friends usually pressure them into doing the following.... 1. Drinking Alcohol 2. Smoking Weed or Cigarettes 3. Sneaking Out 4. Going to parties 5. Having Sex 6. Vandalism

What car was in the movie sex drive?

Chevy Nova is the car that was in the movie sex drive.

What secondary sex characteristic does testosterone produces in males?

Testosterone produces a deep voice and facial hair in males.

What are the side affects of testerone shots in men?

Almost immidiate withdrawls as well as muscle deflation and a lower sex drive. Depression may occur

Can saw palmetto increase sexual urges?

Since Saw Palmetto is said to lower androgens, it would not seem possible for it to increase sex drive.