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some do and some don't

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Q: Do deciduous trees produce flowers
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Which Deciduous trees produce flowers in long catkins and nuts in prickly burs?

Chestnut trees Chestnut trees

What are some producers in the deciduous?

Deciduous trees Flowers Mushroom Grass

The seeds of deciduous trees form in?


What are the similarities between deciduous and coniferous trees?

they both produce things like cones and flowers and both have annual rings of xylem in the stems.

Do any pine trees have flowers before pine cones?

no, pine trees are gymnosperms and only produce cones, never flowers

What fruit tree has no flowers?

no trees exist that don't produce flowers but produce fruit

If a gymnosperm is basically an evergreen and does not produce flowers and an angiosperm flowers and produces fruit what class are trees that are deciduous like the nut bearing kinds?

They would be called gymnosperm if their seeds are not enclosed. If their seeds are hidden in fruit, then they would be angiosperms.

What are some products made by a deciduous trees?

Cherries, magnolias, crab apples, dogwoods, and flowers are all produced by the Deciduous tree. They also produce beautiful, bright leaves.

Do palm trees produce flowers?


What are the adaptations of an oak tree in a temperate deciduous forest?

In the deciduous forest there are many flowers like the passion berry and the blue lily. There are many other flowers but those are some of the main ones. The Deciduous forest does not have much vegetation but there are many trees that contain outrageous amounts of flowers. Animals need these trees because they provide shelter and some use them for food and even water from the leaves. The trees adapt to this forest by having thick bark barriers on the trees to keep the animals out and the trees from dying.

Do you DECIDUOUS trees produce cones and have needles?

Needles (rather than leaves) and cones are characteristic of evergreen trees.

How do plants with no flowers produce their seeds?

you do know that most trees produce seeds without flowers right, and grass.