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resent study has been proved that humans came from monkeys. also if you compare yourself to a monkey you would be able to see the resimplense.

but the mean reason is how we breath. monkeys breath from lungs like us. but fish breath by their guils. BIG DIFFERENCE

No it's all a lie. We didnt come from monkeys! We are just cousins of monkeys. Like the Tiger and Lion. Both cats and similar. BUT they did not come each other! God created us not monkeys!
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Q: Do humans adapt from fish or monkeys?
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Do monkeys get frightend by humans watching them at the zoo?

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What would monkeys adapt if they lived underwater?

Monkeys cannot survive underwater, they'd need gills like fish. Since they have lungs they could only survive underwater for a short period of time.

What are humans and monkeys?

Both monkeys and humans are considered primates.

Are humans from monkey?

Well, Monkeys and apes are from the same ancestors. We are not from monkeys.

How are you and monkeys alike?

Monkeys are the closest thing to humans because monkeys were like humans in 12 BC

Are monkeys really humans?

Monkeys were never humans. Now on the other hand chimps were. HAHAHA JUST KIDDING! Monkeys are not humans. Case closed.

Are monkeys vertebrates or invertebrates?


Why are you from monkeys?

Monkeys were the first evolution of humans.

Why do monkeys still exist?

Humans did not evolve from monkeys, but rather, humans and monkeys evolved from one type of organism. They have a common ancestor, something that has traits of humans and monkeys, but they went separate ways.

how has technology helped humans to adapt to thier enviroment?

The technology helped humans to get adapt humans.

What is wrong with the statement 'monkeys evolved into humans?

Humans share a common ancestor with apes and monkeys. Apes and monkeys are more like our cousins than our grandparents. Thus present day monkeys can not be our ancestors, humans can not be evolved from monkeys.