

Do male lions survive

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, they do survive, for a normal lion lifetime, which is about 10 to 15 years. If they didn't there would be no more lions in the world.

In the wild a male lion will eventually die, often of wounds sustained in a fight with another male lion for control of a pride.

Lions also die of diseases and of wounds sustained in hunting.

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No male lions in pride are related to the other lions.Once the domanate male gets old he would proberly be taken over by younger male lions

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Lions are pack and prey animals. In a pride of lions the male lion rules and protects the female lions from threats. However, the female lioness is responsible for killing and feeding the pride. This structure provides stability and safety for the pride.

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Male lions are stronger.

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Except humans and male lions, there are no major predators for the lions

Is there a special name for male lions?

alpha male alpha male is only the name of the head lion. the other male lions have to specific name that I know of.