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Kernels pop more at room temputare and always spread out the popcorn package to get all the kernels to pop hope this helps.

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Q: Do more kernels pop when they have been stored in room temperature or in the freeze?
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Why does a soda not freeze in a vending machine?

Sodas are stored in refrigeration inside the vending machine keeping the sodas at just the right temperature.

What is a better temp to keep a candle in?

It is said that a candle which has been stored in a deep-freeze will not drip when it is burning

What are kernels of popcorn that haven't been poped called?

In the popcorn industry, unpopped kernels are known as "old-maids".

How are the freeze foods prepared?

You can freeze dishes that have been prepared and cooked, or dishes that have been prepared and are ready to cook. You can also freeze most meats, vegetables and fruits. Cheese freezes well, as does breads, cakes, and cookies.

What outdoor temperature does bottled spring water freeze outdoors?

Water freezes at 32*F regardless of its container, or lack of container. As long as the water hasn't been altered with preservatives, flavors, colorants or other ingredients the temperature at which it will freeze doesn't change.

Would a frozen road that has been gritted freeze again?

Short answer yes. Long answer - The salt lowers the temperature at which the mixture freezes. It the temperature were to drop below this the road would freeze again. This temperature varies depending on the concentration of salt. Also if the grit on the road wasn't topped up, it would become diluted and so the temperature required to freeze the road would rise meaning the grit loses it's effectiveness.

What is an ambient food?

Ambient food is food which is kept and served at the same temperature as room temperature. I.e it is food which does not require refrigeration or heating before eating.

Does popcorn taste better after its been in the freezer or kept at room temperature?

It really depends on your sense of taste. For example, if you don't have a tongue they will taste the same.

Is it safe to eat yogurt after it has been frozen?

you can freeze containers of yogurt, but it will take a lot of time. approximately three to eight hours to freeze because the yogurt reacts to the temperature in the freezer (or wherever you have put the yogurt to freeze). But the yogurt will still freeze because the temperature is more stronger. so it will take approximately three to eight hours depending on the flavour or/and ingredients.

Can you eat asparagus if they have not been refrigerated over night?

Depends on temperature it was stored in, if it smeels anyway bad leave it alone.

What is the freezing point for condensation?

condensation is WATER that has been CONDENSED from the air. i would suppose that condensation will freeze at the same temperature as water from anywhere

Why are there no kernels on your corn?

It may not have been polinated. If you only have a few stalks,, that can happen.