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yes,they do but don't be alert u can feed 10000 mosquitoes with just your blood

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no, it does not..

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Q: Do mosquitoes suck the blood out of you when they bite you?
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Related questions

Why mosquitoes bite a dark room also?

The question does not make sense. Mosquitoes do not bite rooms - neither dark rooms nor light rooms. Mosquitoes bite animals and suck their blood. Please figure out what you're trying to say and ask the question again.

Are mosquitoes carnivores or herbivores?

Mosquitoes are obviously carnivores; they suck blood.

Is malaria an infection?

It is found in hot muggy climate with sitting water which attracts Mosquitoes that bite you and suck blood while transferring the virus.

How are mosquitoes helpful?

Because they suck your blood Because they suck your blood

Do mosquitoes bite bats?

no they dont bite they actually sting you and suck your blood but it feels as if they are biting you. no they don't, they stick their proboscis into your veins, arteries, or cappilaries and suck the blood. Only female mosquitos do this. It is a small insect, the female of which bites and sucks blood from animals and humans. Mosquitoes can spread diseases such as malaria and yellow fever by biting.

Why do mosquitoes not die even they suck different blood grup?

Mosquitoes do not die after sucking the blood of different blood groups because they are digested in their systems first before they suck another person's blood.

Why do mosquitoes bite human?

for repreoduction they want blood

What are mosquitos?

Mosquitoes are the insect who suck blood and spread diseases

How many mosquitoes to suck out all your blood?

On the average, mosquitoes take one millionth of a gallon of blood with each bite. That means it would take 1,120,000 bites to drain all the blood from an average adult human.

Why do mosquitoes spread malaria?

They suck blood but other peoples blood gets into your blood stream

Malaria and mosquitoes relationship?

Mosquitoes bite people with Malaria and then bite a person without Malaria and introduce it into the new person's blood when they inject their anticoagulant to keep the blood liquid while feeding. Mosquitoes are a "vector" for Malaria.

How do vampires suck their blood?

They bite you and then they just suck, like you would suck a popsicle