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No they obviously don't as they have a social security system and their government has a lot of sway in economic affairs. the governments involvement in the resque package in the last economic crisis is another example of how people expect the government to save them from the excesses of free market capitalism. Not to mention a newly introduced national health scheme.

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The US does not have a so-called free market.

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Q: Do most people in the US support an economic system that is pure free market capitalism?
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Most people in the US support an economic system that is?

Most people in the US support a Capitalism economic system in which you can make as much money as you like.

The economic system in which freedom of choice is emphasized?

nop it is not comman it is capitalism i got it from my Government book and teacher

What are Two core values in out government system?

Democracy and capitalism. Democracy is our political system based off the idea that government should be for the people, by the people. Capitalism is the economic system that allows citizens to control the market without government interference , thus giving in the term "free-market".

Which economic system has the most opportunity for people to have economic success?

Arguably capitalism

What is an economic market?

an economic market is when people distrubte

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What term best characterizes the American economic system?

process by which people choose how to use limited resources in order to meet their needs

What is a economic system where people own and make economic decisions?

Economic systems where people own property and conduct business free from despotic governments are often referred to as capitalistic economies. Time and necessity, however, has placed certain restrictions and regulations on such economic systems, based on laws of the government. Practically speaking, these new economies still allow for people to own and make economic decisions are best labeled " free market economies". This implies that the freedoms mentioned are still in place but subject to fair laws and regulations that help all people. Sometimes these economies are also referred to as" mixed economies" because of government involvement into economic affairs and because taxation can influence business decisions.

Define pure capitalism of economic system?

Pure Capitalism consists of three pillars of ideas. Private ownerships. A Price System. Competition. Pure Capitalism has no or close to no government control, it is controlled by the people, for the people.

What is capitalism like?

Capitalism is an economic idea where the people work for the people, not the government. Individuals own businesses, land, and goods. Capitalism has flourished because individuals are working for their own good - they have money to strive for. The opposite of capitalism is communism. An example of a country who uses capitalism is the USA.

What is an economic system where people can start their own business?

Capitalism is the economic system that permits and even encourages people to start their own businesses.

Is socialism working better than capitalism?

no, socialism isn't better than capitalism because capitalism has a free market and people get rich easily.