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Pumpkin seeds definetely grow alot better during the day. This is because they need alot of sunligh, photosynthesis and water. They also grow much faster in the day then at night. Hope this helps From: Daren

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Many seeds germinate in the darkness, because when seeds are planted, they are planted in the darkness of the soil, then push up the seedlings towards the light above the soil.

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Q: Do more seeds germinate in light or in darkness?
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it takes one week or more time

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Most of the time it depends, some seeds germinate in only a day but some seeds will take more than a week

Why do seeds grow quickly after being frozen?

Not all seeds do, but many seeds from regions with cold winters require freezing in order to break their dormancy. This helps the seeds to germinate at the appropriate time. If seeds that fell in fall germinated immediately, they would face freezing winter temperatures which could damage or kill them. Seeds that germinate after freezing are more likely to grow in spring with lots of warm weather ahead of them.

What is percent of germinations?

the percent of seeds which the seed company claims will germinate. if you have seeds claiming to germinate at 80% you will get 800 seedlings for each 1000 seeds sawn meaning you should use 25% more seeds then desired plants (1.25*80%=1). if you got significantly less the declered seed germinating you should complain to the seed company for a refund. .zaf.

I didn't realize that the seeds I was planting had to be pointy-tip up and only about 5mm in the dirt. I put them in and put water so they might be in rather deep will my seeds germinate at all?

it depends. which seeds and how deep? It has been my experience that if your seeds s were planted correctly, no matter the direction seeds are pointing, if nature intended for that seed to germinate, it will germinate & grow. It will only take longer & will have a more pronounced curvature than a formal upright growth. And even this will be at most extreme trunk area, which would not be noticed.

Does tomato juice inhibit seed germination?

The quick answer is yes. Tomato juice contains certain substances such as Potassium which will inhibit the germination of seeds. If seeds are placed in 100% tomato juice then none should germinate however more will germinate when the concentration of tomato juice is reduced.] Hope that helps!!

When were sunflower seeds invented?

They were never "invented". Sunflower seeds are just that, sunflower seeds. Seeds that contain the genetic makeup up sunflowers that will then germinate in the soil to become a sunflower which will make more sunflower seeds. The question "When did people begin eating sunflower seeds?" is another topic

Why is the seed cover important to the baby plant?

Do you mean why is it important to cover seeds? If so, not all seeds must be covered - some MUST have light to germinate. Ones that are covered are covered for 3 main reasons, one or more of which may apply - to hide them from seed predators, such as birds, they require dark to germinate and to stop any developing root pushing the seed up, off the compost, rather than the root penetrating into the compost.

How long do seed take to germinate?

Between 1-7 days, usually around day 2.

How do your eyes adjust to darkness?

In darkness, your eyes dilate to let in more light, allowing your retinas to capture more available light. This process helps you see better in low-light conditions by making the most of the limited light available. It can take up to 30 minutes for your eyes to fully adjust to complete darkness.