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Yes especially surfers because from below paddling surfers look like swimming seals

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because they think that your a turtle and that they have bad eye sight

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They hate humans because they hate the taste of flesh.

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Q: Why do sharks mistake humans for seals or other pray?
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Where does sharks attack humans?

this is a trick Question because sharks mistake people as seals and think that they are a tasty snack.

What eats sharks besides humans?

sharks also eat seals and fish . and sharks when they see us above the water they mistakes us for seals

Is there a shark called man-eating shark?

No there isn't But there are many sharks known to have eaten humans. They eat humans by accident as they mistake humans on surfboards as seals!!!

Do sharks always attack swimmers?

It depends on what kind of shark it is. The sharks mistake swimmers for seals and other pray. It doesn't happen on purpose.

10 things what a great white sharks eat?

other sharks, marine mammals, seals, sea lions, fish, humans.

Do seals live by sharks?

I'm not sure but I would say yes because if they didn't how could sharks mistake humans for seals and eat them. I think yes because a shark woudn't swim 6000 miles just to find a tasty seal to eat!!

How does a hammer head protect itself?

it protects itself by attacking other things or hidingHammer head sharks protect themselves just the way real sharks many people say sharks only attack humans because they mistake us for seals or other animals and the attack without knowing that we are humans not animals and they bite on us and use us for just another dinner

Which animals can sharks mistake surfers for?

Seals and Sea Lions. They both have similar apperance to a shark. Sharks do not have very good sight, so it is easy to mistake

Why do sharks eat humans even though we're not on the menu?

It is believed that sharks attack humans because humans vaguely resemble seals, and some species of sharks do eat seals. Sharks are not intelligent enough to tell the difference between a human being and a seal.

What is the diffents between a shark and dolphin?

Sharks are bigger and have sharper teeth and sharks think that humans are seals and dolphins think humans are humans.

Do sharks deserve their bad reputation?

no they just mistake you for a seal or something they eat!!

What do great white sharks hunt?

Sharks eat anything they can catch, including fish, seals, penguins and other birds, and even sometimes part of a human if they mistake them for a seal or fish.