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Unlimited success, fame and power. All day everyday. They also try to act out these fantasies and make them into a reality to obtain even more narcissistic supply. These fantasies help reduce the feelings of inferiority, shame and doubt about themselves. Eventually they will believe these fantasies are their destinies until they grow older and realize they are not as amazing as they thought they would be. Grandiosity Gap

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12y ago
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10y ago
AnswerYes, Narcissists believe they are superior being. They demand constant positive attention and motivation. Their subconscience allows them to believe they are better than their peers. They exaggerate their achievements and goals in order to receive admiration and praise. They don't like second place because in the narcissists mind, that means losing. The dreams of a narcissist are far more vivid and occur quite often. This coming from a self-aware narcissist
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9y ago

Narcissists are individuals with unique characteristics and personalities, just like everyone else. Although a person who has been diagnosed as a narcissist will meet specific clinical criteria, it would not be possible to say that all narcissists have only certain types of dreams. The dreams of any individual are unique to that individual and as unlimited as that person's imagination.

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Q: Do some narcissists have visions or lucid dreams?
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Who can have lucid dreams?

Absolutely anyone. Although, it does come more naturally to some people than others. Some people have them throughout their lives. I had to work really hard at it, but BOY was the effort worth it! I've had some incredible experiences in my lucid dreams. And even my non-lucid dreams have become FAR more vivid and interesting since I started learning to lucid dream. Just give it a try, and don't give up! You can do it! There are even aids you can get to help you achieve a lucid dream if you're struggling.

What happens in a lucid dream?

A "lucid dream" is nothing more than a dream in which you realize that you are dreaming while remaining asleep. There is a tremendous amount of nonsense circulating on the Internet about lucid dreams along with opportunities to spend money on useless instruction books and gadgets claiming to produce lucid dreams.> Some individuals are able to become aware that they are dreaming quite easily and direct their dreams just as they would a daydream or waking fantasy. But that does not mean that everyone can or should have lucid dreams.

Can you lucid dream everynight?

Yes, some individuals are able to lucid dream every night. However, excessive practice of lucid dreaming can lead to loss of natural dreams, resulting in symptoms of sleep deprivation. Natural dreams are necessary for both physical and emotional health.

How can you be sure you will have a lucid dream tonight?

You can't. I've had lucid dreams at random, even with practice and using techniques that are really good. WILDs have high success rates, as do MILDs, but usually, you can't predict them. After a good bit a practice, and coming up with self techinques, you may "master" and almost always have lucid dreams. But there is no sure way, some people can have lucid dreams at will, but they natrually have the ability.

How many times can you lucid dream?

There's no limit on how many lucid dreams someone can have. Some people will only have a handful in their life time, others will have thousands. It varies from person to person.

Why do some people have lucid dreams while others don't?

Lucid dreams represent a mistake in the mind - rather like a hiccup - that confuses aspects of awakening with aspects of deep sleep. Instead of the conscious mind being at rest while the unconscious mind produces dreams, when lucid dreams occur, some portion of the mind becomes conscious and aware of a dream taking place. Some individuals experience lucid dreams naturally or with very little effort, while other individuals cannot achieve lucidity while dreaming no matter how hard they try. This is nothing more than natural variation among individuals, similar to the ability to roll the tongue or whistle between the teeth. Neither variation has particular value or significance.

What is the opposite of lucid dreams?

In a lucid dream, the conscious mind maintains some level of awareness. The dreamer knows that a dream is occurring and may be able to have some control over what happens in the dream. The opposite of a lucid dream would be a dream in which the dreamer is not aware of dreaming and has no control over what is felt or done in the dream.

Can a human being control their dreams?

They can.More information:To some extent it is possible to take some control of dreams through lucid dreaming. Some individuals have more success in developing this skill than others. At the present time, there is a great deal of interest in lucid dreaming, and quite a lot of unfounded claims that are unsupported by any legitimate research. See the link attached below, which has less nonsense than many other lucid dreaming sites on the Web.

Where can a person go online to analyze some common dreams?

There are many places online to learn about the meanings behind common dreams. World of Lucid Dreamin, Dream Moods, Horoscope, About, and Shine all have articles about common dreams.

What are some types of dreams?

lucid, wet, nightmare, over joyous, jubilant The first 3 are legit the last 2 I threw in for effect.

Are lucid dreams real?

Yes, lucid dreams—which, for the uninitiated, are dreams where you’re aware you’re sleeping and can often control aspects of your dream—are real. While people doubted their existence for years, a slew of research in the second half of the last century put those doubts to sleep.The way researchers proved it is pretty cool. They taught test subjects methods to induce lucid dreams (there are plenty out there, if you’re interested), then hooked them to polygraph machines as they slept. The subjects had agreed to perform specific actions in their dreams when they achieved lucidity—actions that’d show up on a polygraph test, like patterns of eye movements or fist clenches; lo and behold, the subjects fell asleep, then gave the signals.For most, lucid dreams are happy accidents, but some suggest pursuing the ability to reliably lucid dream can help avert nightmares, alleviate anxiety, and even aid in physical rehabilitation.

Since starting Nadolol i have had very vivid dreams some are awful I talk in my sleep Any insight?

i also take nadolol and have experienced vivid dreams and lucid dreams, my dreams are not scary or bad more weird & crazy... Hopefully you stop getting awful dreams. as for talking in your sleep i have no idea