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The people in North Korea love Kim Jong IL. They worship him everyday. Of course they have to because they are taught from birth to worship their Great Leader, Kim Jong IL. Kim Jong IL is a very powerful man and whoever does not bow down to Kim Jong IL will be sent to a prison camp. Most people are lucky to get out of there.

It was reported that on the day of his death, North Korean citizens were crying in the streets.

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Q: Do the people in North Korea like Kim Jong-il?
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North Korea is widely considered a dictatorship by Kim Jong il who is under the title Chairman of the National Defense Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea who in a monarch like fashion succeeded his father Kim Il Sung who died in 1994 who still holds the title of 'Eternal President'.

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What is Korea now?

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What historical event happened in North Korea?

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Which Korea does the us not like?

North Korea because it is a communist dictatorship.

What is the size of North Korea and South Korea?

South Korea is half of earth big and north Korea is like my toilet size.

Did North Korea hates us?

Yes North Korea does not like the US mainly because of the country's involvement in the Korean War between North and South Korea.