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No, Not as a rule. However, various presidents have had nieces and nephews and even friends living in the White House with them. Within reason the president can have as many guests in the White House as he wishes for as long as he wishes.

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The Vice Presidensts residence is on the grounds of the United States Naval Observatory at Number One Observatory Circle in northwestern Washington, D.C

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Q: Does the president's extended family live in the White House?
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Does the presidents family live in the white house?


Can the president have extended family living in the White House?


What is a task of the White House staff?

to make sure the presidents family is comfortable in the private rooms of the house

Who are the three presidents to live in the White House?

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Was the White House used to house the presidents?

yes. The US Presidents have lived in the White House since 1800.

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The Presidents House

How is the White House important?

The White House is important because it houses the First family (the U.S. Presidents and his immediate relatives) and is home to several important political offices.

How many rooms are there in the White House excluding the presidents room?

There are 131 rooms in the white house, excluding the presidents room.

What was the White House named before becoming the White House?

It was called the presidents house

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they built the white house because it represents the presidents...

What color is the house that the presidents of America live in?

U.S. Presidents live in the White House, in Washington DC. And its exterior really is white.

Who else can live in the White House?

The members of the secret service live in the White House. The Vice president lives in the White House. The presidents body guards. The presidents cabin members. The presidents house keepers. (I'm pretty sure that's all)