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Q: Do they put glue on the teeth to keep the braces on?
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Reason of yellow teeth?

Sometimes people who put braces on, once they take them out, they can have yellow teeth, possibly from the glue.

Who can put braces on your teeth?

An orthodontist can put braces on your teeth

Do getting braces involve anesthesia?

no, they put the braces on you while you are awake and alert. But it dose not hurt at all. all they do is stick the metal things onto your teeth with a special glue.

What do they do when they put on braces?

I am 15 and I wear braces. First, they use this plastic device to hold your mouth open. Next, they clean your teeth. Then, then carefully attach each bracket to each tooth, securing each one in place with a liquid cement. Don't lick this as it leaves a bitter aftertaste. Then they use this special plasma light to activate the glue. Afterwards, they attach the arch wire by popping it into each individual bracket. You now have braces.

Do you have the option of being put to sleep when putting braces on?

No, when you get braces on, the orthodontist is simply applying apparatus to the outside of your teeth, so there is no pain. After a few hours of getting your braces on, you may feel some discomfort as the braces begin to move your teeth.

Is it safe to put crazy glue on your teeth?

Is it safe to put crazy art glue on your teeth?

Do they have to knock out to put braces on your teeth?


Can you put braces if you have jacket teeth?

You can get braces for any type of teeth that you may have. A dentist will be able to let you know if you are able to get braces.

How do orthodontists know where to put braces on your teeth?

when a orthodontist is trained , they are trained to fix mallocusions and irregular bites , when they look at how a patients teeth fit together( occlusion) they need to pull teeth into specific positions they then glue a bra\cket on a tooth where it needs to be straightened or aligned , when the teeth ae aligned an the wire that is remove form the braces is a perfect c shape the braces can be removed

Is anaesthesia required to put braces on teeth?


What will the dentist put onyour teeth?


Is it a problem to get braces if you have crowned teeth?

No, I have procelin crowns and I am getting braces. They just had to fix my teeth first before they put on the braces. Good luck:)