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I'm sorry to learn that you may be experiencing discomfort from excess salivation during your pregnancy. Indeed, salivation can often increase during pregnancy, particularly from the second trimester onwards. This symptom is more often a secondary or tertiary response to your pregnancy rather than a direct cause.

In many women, pregnancy can cause bouts of indigestion, heartburn, or reflux. Visualise that whatever you consume and baby are both competing for room and there are certain food items that simply do not settle well during pregnancy. Hormonal changes can also contribute to this condition. The body naturally tries to compensate by creating additional saliva to coat the oesophagus and stomach. This excessive salivation is called sialorrhea or ptyalism.

If you find yourself experiencing morning sickness, or hyperemesis gravidarum - a severe form of morning sickness, you may find your salivation activity in overdrive. There are acid sensors in your oesophagus which trigger your salivary glands to produce saliva that has an increased concentration of bicarbonate, which is actually an alkaline. Think back to an earlier time when you had a bad case of nausea and you might recall yourself salivating excessively then. That too was your body trying to naturally resolve your nausea.

Whilst it may be somewhat of a nuisance for you, rest assured that it does not affect baby at all.

If you're taking calcium tablets prescribed by your GP, it may be better that you consider taking them mid-day. Also certain antacids are fine to take provided they're not among the more advanced ones, which contain aluminium hydroxide or aluminium carbonate. Both can cause severe constipation and in larger doses can be toxic. Always first confirm with your GP before buying any over-the-counter medications.

Lastly, avoid the obvious irritants such as cigarette smoke (both primary and secondary). Even oral infections can contribute to this condition. Ensure you are not suffering from any tooth decay and maintain good dental hygiene.

The nicest thing to focus on is that this condition is transitory and in a short time will be replaced by the joy of parenting.

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Q: Do you have more saliva on pregnancy?
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