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Yes it can, it's normal. More saliva is also normal.

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Q: Does your nose run during pregnancy... Why?
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Related questions

Is it true your nose can spread during pregnancy?

Yes it is true your nose can spread during pregnancy.

Can you have cold like symptoms like stuffy nose and headache as pregnancy symptoms?

YES it can be. Higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and even cause you to make more mucus. What's more, the amount of blood in your body increases during pregnancy, which may cause swelling in the tiny blood vessels in the lining of your nose and congestion in the surrounding tissue. Other hormones may also play a role.

Can your nose spread at 10 weeks of pregnancy?

Yes it can although 10 weeks sounds a bit early but no pregnancy is exactly like the books. Rhinitis of pregnancy ('wide nose") is common during pregnancy and is caused by elevated estrogen levels which cause the mucus linings to get thicker and excess fluid retention and weight gain. It goes back after birth.

What you can't do during pregnancy?

run drink alcohol bend over too much

Is it safe to pierce your nose during pregnancy?

There is always a risk of infection in any body piercing, but your nose is a particularly germ-laden area. Blood infections are a potential risk to your unborn baby.

What can run but can not walk?

a nose. a nose.

Can teens have an epidural during pregnancy?

during pregnancy-no during labor yes

Can you ovulating during pregnancy?

No, there is no ovulation or menstruation during pregnancy.

Does a line across the nose means pregnancy?

No not at all.....get a test

Do rabbits get a runny nose when pregnant?

No. A runny nose is not a symptom of pregnancy in a rabbit. It is possible to palpate a doe to determine pregnancy, but this isn't something that an inexperienced person will likely be successful in doing.

Is xylometazoline is safe during pregnancy?

This drug is safe during pregnancy.

How is a period during pregnancy different?

During pregnancy, the period stops.