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Many California courts require an appearance before hearing a motion to expunge a conviction . You can call the court and ask if an appearance is necessary on an expungement motion. If one is necessary, you can have an attorney appear on your behalf. A quick search of the internet will show you several reputable attorneys who specialize in expungement and record clearing.

Even if you are not required to appear in court, it may be wise to appear or have an attorney appear on your behalf-- especially if having the conviction expunged is important to you, and it is also especially true if you had violated any terms of your probation or have multiple convictions. Courts are predisposed to deny expungements if you violated any term of your probation-- especially committing another offense of any type.

If you are paying for expungement assistance, or any legal service, make sure you are dealing with a licensed attorney. Do not trust ANY legal advice from a form processor or document preparation service.

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Yes, if you qualify.

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Q: Can you expunge an arrest record in CA?
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Go and see an attorney.

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Just because you were not indicted does not erase the record of your arrest and subsequent court appearances. In order to do that you would need to look into filing a motion to expunge your record.

How do you use expunge in a sentence?

The word "expunge" means to completely remove something from the record. An example of using expunge in sentence is "He went to jail for something he did not do, so he got the court to expunge his record."

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if you're lucky, they'll expunge this crime from your record.

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You can, it's just a bit of a difficult process which isn't too commonly used, not to my knowledge anyway

Can you use the word Expunge in a sentence?

It's a very burdensome task to expunge a criminal record.

Will a diversion show up in a background check?

No. But you may have an arrest record unless it is expunged through agreement. Many diversion programs automatically expunge the records after completion of the program. You have to ask.

Does a DUI affect your ability to expunge your felony record?

For the most part, you cannot expunge a convicted felony from your record. The DUI would just remain on top of that.

Can aggravated assault be taken off your record if not convicted?

There are two types of things on your criminal record. They are arrests and convictions. Many states allow you to expunge an arrest record if you are found not guilty at trial. You'd need to check the expungement laws for whichever state in which the charge was brought.

What is the average time a felony stays on your record?

A felony will stay on your record for life. Even if you expunge your record it will still be there.

Can you get a DUI felony expunge off your record in Mississippi?

You can have your record expunged, but it is rarely successful when you were convicted of the crime.

What is a good sentence for expunge?

Example sentence - He obeyed all the laws and was a good citizen for ten years and could now request to expunge his record.