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No that is just one of the disorders. You can be ocd over just about anything.

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Q: Do you have to be clean to have OCD?
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Why do i constantly clean my ears?

Because you have a mild form of OCD.

What is another word or phrase fro clean freak?


What is medical term for clean freak?

Mysophobia: fear of germs or dirt

Is there a term for a person who likes to clean a lot?

OCD I think but you might have to research that.....O_O

What do you call people who loves to clean?

a neat freak a clean freak you know whatever

What is the term for Psychotic behavior of being excessively clean?

A form of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

How do you spell you have to clean?

That is the correct spelling of "you have to clean."The psychological compulsion to clean can be a form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). When applied to inordinate personal hygiene, it may be called ablutomania.

What is the name of the disease One who always wants to remain neat and clean?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

What is the name of a compulsive cleaner?

OCD - Obsessive Cleaning Disorder! :) Not really though, because their really isn't a name for a person who likes to clean a lot. They might have some REAL OCD, but either way, it works.

Can you have OCD if your obsessed with washing your hair?

Some people just enjoy washing their hair and have a need to have it clean. If you see the same thing happening with other things though, then I would maybe check with your doctor to see if you might have some kind of OCD.

Who has ocd?

a lot of people (i hav ocd)

How did Mr Monk get OCD?

He doesn't really have OCD