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Probably not. Usually, any deductions for Medicaid will have been taken prior to any payment to the patient.

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Q: Do you have to pay Medicaid when you receive your insurance check?
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Do you have to pay back medicaid if you received some inheritance?

Medicaid is insurance through the state. Medicaid is taken care of during the time of need and cut off when not in need. Medicaid does not receive a pay back if inheritance is received. Other assistance programs, however, may require some sort of pay back.

How does Medicaid pay when there is other Insurance involved?

The provider must give Medicaid proof that the other insurance carrier (including Medicaid) has "adjudicated" the bill. Medicaid will then pay any remaining eligible charges, to the extent that it would have paid had the patient not had any other insurance.

Will Alabama medicaid pay a primary insurance copay?

Medicaid will pay the copay only if the amount of the copay added to whatever the primary insurance paid is less than or equal to what Medicaid would allow for that charge to begin with. Like charge of $50 for a visit, and the copay is $10 and the primary insurance paid $3 and Medicaid allows $15 for that particular code. Then Medicaid would pay $12.00 of it. This is highly unlikely, though.

If you receive medicaid and medicare disability at the same time do you have to pay for it?

If your income exceeds the Medicaid standard in your State, you will have to "spend down" the excess to qualify for Medicaid.

What does Medicare pay that Medicaid does not pay?

Medicare and Medicaid coverage is virtually identical. The two principal things to remember are: Medicaid is always the payor of last resort (i.e., bill Medicare and/or private insurance first); and, Medicare does not pay for long term custodial care, such as a nursing home (Medicaid does).

If you have Medicaid and your primary doctor does not accept it can you pay for services without using insurance?

Yes. I have had medicaid for years and my primary doctor does not use it, so I just pay when I go to see him.

With Medicare A and B and Medicaid GO do you need additional health insurance?

Medicaid should pick up anything that Medicare doesn't pay for.

Is there a such thing as free health insurance?

No, there is no such thing as "free" health insurance. The only health coverage for which there is no co-pay or premiums is Medicaid and you must meet certain eligibility requirements. Also, on Medicaid there is still a small co-pay on all prescriptions.

Can you Medicaid and another insurance?

Yes. * If you mean can you be eligible Medicaid benefits and have private health insurance that's only possible if the person qualifies under the low-income guidelines and has minor children. Medicaid will pay or help pay insurance premiums under certain circumstances, again the person must meet the low-income requirements and in some cases have dependent minor children.

Does Medicaid pay for cremation?

dose medicare cover any funeral expenses? no

Can Medicaid pay to get your tubes untried?

Probably not. Insurance companies like sterile people, because it means less children for them to support. -DJ Craig

Does Medicaid pay for ensure?

My mother is 98 years of age and used to receive Ensure. According to Medicare, she is no longer eligibly to receive it. She is on a fixed income.