

Do you like soda pop

Updated: 10/7/2023
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12y ago

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it has cafeine in it, cafeine is like a drug.

it makes you adiccted.

im sure people don't like the way ciggaretes taste,but it has niciotine in it.making it addictive.

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some - yes

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Q: Do you like soda pop
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How does soda pop fizz when opened?

the soda pop fizzes when opened becasue the carbon dioxide is being mixed with oxygen with causes a reaction like you have seen in the soda pop

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In Arizona, you would ask for a soda or a soda pop.

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soda pop doesn't like fights, he/she likes peace. lol

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soda. In the north of the USA they call soda or "drink" pop. Its just like accents. The southern usa calls it drink or soda. they also have a pop called "sun drop" like a lemon lime soda sweeter then mountain dew.Trust me i moved from north Carolina to Indiana in The vicinity of south bend

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soda pop or soda bottle candies (like crush :O)

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Yes. He liked Red Cream Soda.

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Yes. Pop is soda and Coke is a soda.

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the opposite of soda is pop or it could be sodapop so pop!!!!!!!

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Pop is a palindrome.

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The soda and pop rock thing actually does really work. When you add pop rocks to soda pop the soda fizzles in the same way it would if you dropped it and immediately opened it.