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For anything which is a licensed, road legal vehicle, you need to take a test and obtain whatever class license is necessary for that vehicle, be it Class C/D for your passenger cars, and Class A or B for heavy commercial vehicles.

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Q: Do you need 2 take a test 2 drive a tractor?
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Do I need to do a tractor test when I have got a full GB license?

If you intend to drive the tractor on the "public" roads, then yes you will need to take the DVLA "tractor or specialist vehicle" test. If you NEVER go on a public road or highway (even briefly) you do not need to take the test. - the penalties are high if you are caught without a license driving a tractor on a public road. So it's best to take the test, even if you don't think you will need it. It's only £62 during the week, so a small amount.

What age can you drive a farm tractor?

Generally, if you will be driving the tractor on private land, the adults in your life can make the decision as to when you are old enough to safely drive the tractor. If you are 16 you can take your tractor driving test or if you have passed it then you can then drive it on the road.

Have you got to take a test before you drive a tractor on the road?

Generally in any part of the world where you need a license to drive a car on a public road you will need a license to drive a tractor on the road. It will vary between country to country, even state to state wether you need a special license class or wether the tractor falls under an existing (generally mass based) category.

Can you drive to your tractor license test?

You can operate any motor vehicle of which you are liscensed to drive. So, you may drive a car to your tractor-liscense test, but not a tractor. (provided you have a drivers liscense)

How to drive a tractor trailer?

You need to learn truck driving from a school. First go to truck driving school for three weeks usually the time requested. During first three weeks you will learn bookwork, how the tractor trailer works. Then you get your Practice CDL. You need this to learn how to drive on there yard. After you learn how to drive on there yard, and got the full basic down you will go for a read test to get your real CDL. The test usually consist of three different parts, 1. Pri-trip. 2. Road Test, and 3. Backing Test. If you fail road test you do not have to retake the pri-trip and if you fail the backing you do not have to retake the pri-trip or road test. That is how you learn how to do drive a tractor trailer.

Do you still need to take the permit test?

if you want to drive then YES!

Where do you take a tractor test?

16 years old

Can you drive in Switzerland on a UK license?

You can drive for up to 6 months in Switzerland on a UK licence. After that, you need to exchange your UK licence for a Swiss one. You do not need to take another driving test, but you need to take an eye test.

Do you need insurance to test drive a car?

i think yes,you need insurance if you want to test any kind of car, weather it is for test drive or permanent drive, i think you should take short term temporary insurance, which will help you

How old to drive a tractor on the road?

you can legally drive a tractor on the road at 16 years old providing that you have passed a tractor test you will also have to display a L plate once you have passed also the tractor must be under 20 tonnes and only 2.45 meters wide for road use you also will not be able to drive a two seater tractor.

How old do you have to be to take a tractor test?

13 and a 1/2

If you have a UK car driving license what size of motorcycle can you drive without needing to take a test?

You can drive up to a 125cc. However depending on where you live in the UK you may need to take a basic motorcycle test.