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Does Barack Obama like Spider-Man?

No one knows.

What president collected Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics?


What president had a huge collection of Spider-Man comics?

President Barack Obama .

Is Barack Obama a man or not?

Yes, Barack Obama is a man.

Which president collects comic books?

President Barack Obama has mentioned that he collected Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comic books.

Is Barack Obama a girl?

No, he is a man.

Who is the Most Ugly man?

Barack Obama

Could anyone give me correct info about B Obama's birth certificate.There is a lot of bad info about this. I would like to know the truth?

Barack Obama's mother married a man named Barack Obama who named their new baby Barack Obama. When he was about 2 years old his father left. His mother remarried a few years later to a man named Lolo Soetoro. At this point he started using the name Soetoro. Then when Obama was about 10 his mother divorced Lolo Soetoro. She eventually went back to using Obama as did her son Barack. That is why there is confusion about Barack Obama's name. Barack Obama is our President's true name.

Who wrote The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency?

Czech Republic: The Danger To America Is Not Barack Obama But The Fools Who Elected Him | God and Country First

Who is the first black man to be elected as president in the US?

Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.Barack Obama.

How did Barack Obama get from Hawaii to Indonesia?

His mother was remarried to a man from Indonesia and Barack Obama moved there with his mother and new step father.

Was Barack Obama ever involved with a gay man?

No. Also, President Obama is straight.