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Fungi belong to Domain eukariya.So they have mitochondria

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Q: Does a fungus have a nucleus?
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Does a fungus cell have nucleus?

yes -_-

Where does DNA replication occur in a fungus?

In the nucleus

Why is bacteria not a fungus?

Because bacteria lack a nucleus.

Is fungus and organism?

Yes, it is an organism because the fungi is unicellular or multicellular. It also has a nucleus.

What is All organaisms in the ancient bacteria kingdom lack a nucleus but organiams in the protist fungus plant and?

The bacteria has one cell and no separate nucleus

What is a fungus type?

heterotrophic (they cannot make their own food) Eukaryotic (their cells have a nucleus) autotrophs they make their own food from the sun's energy

What is a type of fungus?

heterotrophic (they cannot make their own food) Eukaryotic (their cells have a nucleus) autotrophs they make their own food from the sun's energy

What domain contains all eukaryotic kingdoms?

Eukarya is the domain of classification for eukaryotes.

What is the organism made up of cells with a cell wall and nucleus but without chloroplasts?

That cannot be a plant or animal. It can be a fungal cell

What is the difference between a microbe and a fungus?

A microbe is a prokaryotic type of cell, which means it lacks a nucleus and other organelles, and is a single-celled organism. Fungi are multi-cellular, and are eukaryotic, meaning they have a nucleus, and various organelles are contained within their cell membrane.

Why does fungus look like fungus?

Because it is fungus

What type of fungus is produced by mushrooms?

A mushroom is it's own fungus for that it does not produce fungus it is fungus.