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Nope it has 7 just like a human believe it or not. They are longer though.

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Q: Does a giraffe have more bones in its neck than other animals?
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How many bones do a giraffe has in their necks?

The giraffe has 7 bones in its neck just like we humans do. Only they're much more longer.

Which has more bones a giraffe neck or a mouses neck?

a giraffes neck has more bones than a mouses neck Actually, they both have 5 cervical vertebra.

How many bones are in a giraffe's neck?

The giraffe's neck has seven bones in their neck, just like humans.12

Does a giraffe have more vertebrate in its neck than a mans neck?

No They have the same # of bones in the neck(7)

Do snakes have more ribs than giraffe?

They can have up to something like 145 pairs of ribs.

How many neck bones in a duck?

more than a giraffe's neck has

Why are the bones of younger animals preferred for making stock?

Younger animals have a higher percentage of cartilage and other connective tissues.

What animals use camoflage?

Snakes, Lizards, Tigers, Leopards, Giraffe, Cheetah, and many more.

How do spotted hyenas survive?

They have strong jaws to help them crush bones, and they can digest parts of animals that other animals cant digest, so they can eat a more wide variety of food to help them survive.

How ae bird bones different from those other animals?

Tobi says: Bird's bones are hollow to help them fly,obviously to reduce weight when they fly. Human bones, on the other hand, are not hollow. We need strong bones to do the things we do, eg: walking, skipping, jumping etc...

Does a human have the same amount of bones as a giraffe?

Both humans and giraffes have the same numbers of neck bones. Both animals have seven neck bones.Yes it has because when you look at your neck then look at a giraffes neck it doesn't look like it but if you get a x ray on your neck then a giraffe gets a x ray and count the giraffes x ray then count yours it has the same amount you wouldn't believe your eyes if you did