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If ur moving at the speed of light the person looks shorter because your going so fast it looks like the person is streched out

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Q: Does a person look taller or shorter if you're moving at the speed of light?
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Ben J's real name is Earl Benjamin (taller dark skinned one) and Legacy's real name is Dominic Thomas ( shorter light skinned one).

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By Kira, you're referring to Light Yagami, am I right? I'm also certain that Light is the taller one.

Does velocity of light increase or decrease by any colour?

The speed of light is a constant, doesn't change for colour. The wavelength changes by colour though. A white light source moving away real fast will become redder (longer waves), while the same source moving towards you will become bluer (shorter wavelength)

When do shadows gradually get taller?

Shadows gradually get taller as the sun rises higher in the sky during the morning hours and then gradually shorter as the sun descends in the afternoon and evening. This changing pattern is caused by the angle of the sunlight hitting objects, with longer shadows occurring when the light source is lower in the sky.

Is visible light a shorter or longer wavelength energy in this spectrum?

Shorter or longer than what ? The wavelength of visible light is shorter than that of radio and heat, and longer than the wavelength of X-ray and gamma radiation. And the wavelength of green light is shorter than red light but longer than blue light.

What has wavelengths that are shorter than light?

We know that ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light.

Which has a shorter wavelength green light or red light?

Red light has the longest visible wavelength, so any other color has a shorter one.

Is the wavelength of x-rays longer or shorter then the wavelengths of visible light?


Does a light bulb light up faster the shorter the wire?

Yes but as the current travels at the speed of light it would have to be thousands of miles shorter to detect a difference

Is visible light longer or shorter then rays?

Visible light is made of rays. There are rays with wavelengths that are shorter than visible light and other with longer wavelength.

What has wavelength that are shorter than visible light?

We know that ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light.