

Does a piano soft sound

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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If you play the piano softly it will sound soft. If you play it hard it will sound loud. It mainly depends on what piece you are playing. If you are playing a rock song then obviously it will have to be loud, but if it is a love song then most of the time you play it softly. Hoped this helped :-)

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What is a definition of a piano?

The word piano, by definition in Italian, means soft. The modern piano is actually called the pianoforte, meaning loud-soft in Italian. This is due to the wide range of volume which the modern piano can express.Beethoven helped develop the modern piano to what it is today, for the piano's in his time (just called a piano, for they only had a soft range of sound) were not able to express the emotional variety required of his time (the romantic period).

How the piano produce a sound?

I play the piano, and I'll answer the question. The piano has numerous thin, long strings inside it. When you press a key, a little soft-headed mallet hits one of the strings-thus producing sound. And when the key is let go of, a damper stops the sound from ringing or continuing on.

What is the medium sound called in Music?

It is ether matzo piano ( medium soft) or matzo forte (medium loud).

Does piano mean soft or loud?

The word 'Piano' means soft :D

How a piano's soft pedal works?

it works by decreasing the distance between the hammers and the strings. So since the hammer has less room to travel when the soft pedal is pressed it can not build up as much speed therefore can not strike the string as hard which results in softer volume.

What does piano mean?

It means play loudly on the piano.

What are the different types of dynamics in musics?

Pianissimo (pp) = very soft. Piano (p) = soft. Mezzo-piano (mp) = moderately soft. Mezzo-forte (mf) = moderately loud. Forte (f) = loud. Fortissimo (ff) = very loud. There are also pianississimo (ppp) and fortississimo (fff), which are "the softest possible" and "the loudest possible" respectably, but those are uncommon.

What is pianissmo?

"Piano in music means "soft." The instrument now known as piano was originally called "pianoforte" "soft loud" indicating its range. Pianissimo is softer than piano: very soft.

What does piano mean in written music?

Piano is Italian for soft/quite which means too play the piano softly, then there mezzo piano, medium soft, and pianoisimo, very very soft. There of lots of other Italian terms used in music.

What the Italian term for a soft volume level is?


What is piano music?

Piano music is music played from the piano, there is soft and loud music