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I would only worry about a wound there, but even then I don't think it would affect Pregnancy.

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Q: Does a stinky belly button affect pregnancy?
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Stinky belly button?

Wash it.

What is the medicine for stinky belly button?

perfume in original form ...

Does your belly button feel different during early pregnancy?

In my experience, my belly button did not feel different during early pregnancy.

Is it possible to have line below the belly button and above the belly button Is it normal Pregnancy?

yes that is totally normal, but not until later in your pregnancy.

What happens if your belly button is pierced and then you get pregnant?

You can either take out your jewelry, or you can purchase special belly button jewelry for pregnant women, which are simply referred to as pregnancy belly button rings.

Hard belly button?

The belly button is the spot on the body where the umbilical cord attached in the womb. In pregnant woman the belly button starts to pop out as a woman gets later in her pregnancy.

What can cause pain behind the belly button in a female?


When you are pregnant when does your belly button pop out?

When the baby's done! No, it doesn't always happen. There is no way to predict whether or not your belly button will pop out pregnancy to pregnancy and is mostly related to the position of your baby. Some women are quite annoyed by this and will even tape their belly button flat to their pregnant bellies. It is helpful to know that your belly button popping out can be normal and is not harmful to you or your baby.

Is a sharp pain at the top of your belly button a sign of pregnancy?


Do you have hair in your belly button?

Directly in? No, usually you have lint and dirt inside of that stinky hole. Hair is on the outside even though it might seem like its on the inside. Correct me if im wrong.

Does getting your belly button pierced affect your umbilical cord when you are pregnant?

no you dont have a umbilical cord you have a belly button your baby dose not have a belly button yet the umbilical cord attaches to the baby at its belly after its born the umbilical cord is cut giving the baby its belly button. However don't have your belly button pierced while you are pregnant as you will have to take the bar (or whatever) out towards the end.

Can you not have babies by piercing your belly button?

Piercing your belly bottom has nothing to do with having a child and it does not affect the process.