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All arachnids lay eggs.

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Q: Does a tarantula lays eggs or give birth?
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Does a scorpion give birth to young?

No,it lays eggs

Do tarantulas give birth?

Spiders do not 'give birth' they lay eggs ! The spider spins a cocoon from the silk it produces from the spinnerets - where it deposits the eggs, which are left to hatch on their own. Some species of spider will actively 'guard' their eggs from predators.

Does silkworm give birth or lays eggs?

The silkworm itself does not lay eggs or give birth, it is just a caterpillar. It's adult form, a moth lays eggs as do nearly all insects.

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They give LIVE birth.

Do sharks give birth to young alive or lays eggs?

Both. Most do give live birth but some species lay eggs

Do tiger barb fish give birth?

No,it doesn't.It lays eggs.

How do Dragon give birth?

After dragons mate, the female lays eggs. Their offspring hatches from the eggs

How do California condors give birth?

They don't give birth. The female lays eggs and the young hatch from the egg.

What happens to female parakeets after they give birth?

Parakeets do not give birth to live babies but rather they lay eggs. Each batch of eggs is called a clutch. After the female parakeet lays the eggs she lays on them to keep them warm until they hatch.

How does an owl give birth?

No. An owl is a bird it lays eggs and then after incubation the chicks hatch from the eggs.