


Tarantulas are a large breed of spider. Many species have thick legs and hairy bodies. As most tarantulas are not dangerous to people, they are often kept as pets.

535 Questions

If a girl is 16 and lives with her grandma in Ohio and is never allowed to do anything but sit in her room is there anything she can do to get out of that house?

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Yes, if a minor feels they are in an unsafe or abusive environment, they can contact child protective services or a trusted adult for help. In Ohio, minors can also seek assistance from organizations that support youth in crisis, such as runaway shelters or youth advocacy programs.

How do you keep tarantulas away?

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you don't catch it, you kill it

What does goliath birdeater tarantula eat?

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Goliath tarantula eat birds that land mainly in the Amazonian Rainforest's.

How many people die in the south from Tarantula bites Tarantula bites?

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Despite their often large and hairy appearance, huntsman spiders are not considered to be dangerous spiders. There have been no deaths in Australia or in the United States from a confirmed spider bite since 1979.

Is a pink toed tarantula a herbivore?

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Tarantulas live on insects, the same as common Spiders do.

What do you call a baby tarantula?

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I would call it what you call every spider which is a spiderling

Does a tarantula have wings?

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Maybe a Tarantula Hawk Tarantula hawks have wings.

But Tarantulas don't have wings.

Can tarantula spider's be gray in color?

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The Bahia Grey Tarantula is as its name entails, grey. There are other species as well that are grey, to my knowledge.

How many times should you feed your baby tarantula?

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Lets see if you have a normal size one try feeding it 4-6 cickets each 2 weeks. Increase food when it get bigger. (tarantulas are awsome pets)

Would a tarantula be endothermic?

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Yes they are exothermic. :)

What do Mexican red knee tarantula eat as adults?

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well, ive kept tarantulas of all kinds and you do not feed them daily, you feed them once or twice a week. you shouldnt feed them twice a week however as that would be power feeding, the spider would grow faster but it will die sooner. but again the red knee can live to be 20 if its female. also keep in mind tarantulas dont eat when in premolt and wont untill 7days afterwards becuase they are still to soft to kill anything.

Can a black widow spider eat a tarantula?

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Yes, a tarantula Hawk could certainly kill a black widow spider if it wanted to. A black widow spider would be too small for a tarantula hawk to bother with most of the time.

Actually, black widows are a favorite meal for some types of mud wasps. The wasp will sting the spider - paralyzing it - not killing it. Then take the black widow and stuff it inside the nest it's making for it's off spring. When the wasp larvae are growing, they'll feed on the paralyzed spider. This is the same basic thing that a tarantual hawk does with the much larger tarantula spider.

While you can find video's of black widows appearing to catch and kill wasps, this is definitely the exception rather than the rule. A wasp can run into trouble if it finds itself tangled in the spider's web, though most of the time they're able to navigate their way around it and deliver the paralizing sting before carrying the spider off to it's nest.

Are blue cobalt tarantulas endangered?

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The haplopelma L lives in the southeast rainforest of Asia in a network of tunnuls they create as their home, leaving them only to get food. They are also often bought and sold in captivity for their uniqueness.

Tarantula's deadliest enemy?

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many things like the YELLOW SPOTTED LIZARD eats about 5 tarantulas a day

Do tarantulas live in Pennsylvania?

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I live in Northern California (north of Sacramento in the country) and we found a large tarantula in the yard. We caught it and donated it to a local school.

Not sure what kind it was, and it's the only time we have ever found one on our property so they are not very common in this area.

How does a tarantula exercise?

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Tarantulas Mostly live in their burrows and don't live in colonies because they don't eat one another and They excercise by Crawling around their burrows and outside when their babies hatch they leave and find a New Home.

I have no idea if that's right or not but Ya!

Are tarantula bites painful?

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no a trantula bite is more painful and can be fatal yeah and the bee sting, stings for a while.

Do tarantulas have eight legs?

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yes arachnids have eight legs like spiders

Are there tarantulas in turkey?

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Yes, they are indigenous to most of the Anatolian region. They are not particularly common, though.

How do you get a spider out of your house?

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Asked by DUCKIE73

This may be useful, but you will have to do some more searching for the specific type of oak. Apparently, if you have wood from a certain oak tree in the house you won't have spiders. Some of the beams in Westminster Abbey are made from this wood to discourage spiders and therefore cobwebs. Even though we have no venomous spiders in England, we still have large black housespiders, which I loathe, so I am going to look further into this and give it a go! You can also use an item you can buy at Lowes or Home Depot. It's really a mouse trap, it has this really sticky substance on it and when something walks on it it sticks to it. I don't have mice but I do have a lot of spiders and this thing works great for trapping spiders plus other insects. Just place them around the house, garage etc. and let it do the work. No smelly or unsafe chemicals either.

What kind of bug has a red butt a black head and a evil looking stinger in the mouth area and is has big as a tarantula wasp?

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I don't know what it is called, but I sure would like to. This sounds like what just attacked me at Cunningham Falls State Park in Md. It flew at my face, then landed under my neck and when I looked down to brush it off, I was hit in the eye with a powerful, and very burning, stinging liquid. It was horrible. Nearby neighbors brought me water to flush my eye with which helped. That was an experience I suspect I will never forget. I have a picture of what people think this bug looked like and it sounds like the above. Please tell me what this is and give me any other information you know about it and its powerfully burning liquid spray.

Does a Mongoose eat tarantulas?

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yes it dose the Mongoose also eat cobras, in fact they are famous for killing them.

What can a rose hair tarantula eat?

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They CAN eat stink bugs but they dont prefer them.