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Yes Almond Oil is help in stretch mark removal treatment. The vitamin E in sweet almond oil can help repair your skin. Utilize it as a moisturizer all over your body, enchanting extraordinary care to massage it into the region where you have stretch marks. The mixture of bitter almond oil and rub down reduced stretch mark growth in pregnant women.

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13y ago

It should do, any type of skin oil that isn't dangerous for the skin should help, apply regulary for maximum effect.

It would help to ask for proper medial advise as well.

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Does Vaseline help fade the apperance of stretch marks?

Vaseline may help a little to fade stretch marks. The best use for Vaseline is to help prevent stretch marks before they form. Keeping skin moisturized is important in preventing stretch marks.

Does belly dancing cause stretch marks?

No, belly dancing does not cause stretch marks. If anything, doing exercises such as belly dancing will help prevent stretch marks by strengthening the skin or at least slightly diminishing existing marks.

What can I do to prevent stretch marks during my second trimester of pregnancy?

To prevent stretch marks during your second trimester of pregnancy you could apply any type of stretch mark cream to your abdomen. You should talk to your gynecologist for advice on which cream would be appropriate for you. Also, to help the stretch marks disappear a little more be sure to apply the cream after your pregnancy.

How can I get rid of stretch marks by August?

There are plenty of creams that can help get rid of stretch marks. Mederma works great on stretch marks.

Where are some of the places that one can learn how to reduce stretch marks during pregnancy?

One can reduce and prevent pregnancy stretch marks by moisturising daily. One can also try to avoid gaining excess weight, besides the baby and the amniotic fluid as this will help reduce stretch marks.

Make up to cover stretch marks?

foundation?.. but you really should not use make-up, all that does is cover it up.. not help to prevent it. You should try stretch mark creams.

Treating Male Stretch Marks?

Treating Male Stretch MarksAlthough mostly associated with women, stretch marks can affect men as well. No matter what the cause, ways are available to both prevent and treat them.Causes of Stretch Marks in MenStretch marks in men are caused by any rapid increase in bulk, causing the skin to stretch instead of being able to grow slowly to accommodate the larger amount of mass. The causes can include rapid weight gain and rapid increase in muscle mass due to steroid use. Teenage boys can also experience stretch marks while going through growth spurts.Prevention of Stretch MarksThe best way to take care of stretch marks is to prevent them from ever forming. By eating a sensible diet, a man can avoid the rapid weight gain which often results in stretch marks. If going through a growth spurt, a teenager can use lotions containing cocoa butter to help increase the elasticity of the skin.Treatments for Stretch MarksOnce stretch marks have formed, there are several treatments available from trained professionals such as dermatologists. Prescription creams containing Tretinoin are often given to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. For more severe cases, dermabrasion and laser treatments are often indicated.Stretch marks can have a negative impact on the self esteem of both men and women alike. If an individual is unable to prevent them, there are fortunately methods available which can remove or reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Can apples help to make stretch marks go away?


Will putting an ice pack on stretch marks make them less visible?

No. Stretch marks are far too deep for ice to help. Ice/cold packs typically helps blood veins shrink a little so you can get rid of puffiness, swelling, etc. Stretch marks are like a scar, shrinking blood vessles underneath will not help the surface problems of stretch marks.

Can tanning help remove stretch marks?

Tanning will not help to remove stretch marks. It may make them harder to see and therefore make them look better, but it does not remove them. In fact, tanning over long periods of time would make stretch marks look worse.

What is something that has been proven to help with the appearances of stretch marks?


How women get ride of stretch marks?

I hate to break the bad news but there is no complete cure to stretch marks! Once stretch marks develop on your skin, you will have to live with it! All the miracle creams that you hear about can only help lighten their appearance, if at all! You can go in for laser therapy if you want substantial improvement in the appearance of your stretch marks.