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An HIV blood test can tell if you are pregnant. When doctors get results back from a blood test, though they may be testing for a specific thing other things will get flagged as well. For example, when you take a home-pregnancy test and then go to the doctor's to confirm you are pregnant, often they will run blood tests to determine pregnancy. An HIV blood test will show whether or not you have HIV, but will also show whether or not you are pregnant.
No; a HIV blood test won't tell if you are pregnant.

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How are you able to detect this HIV?

With an hiv test

Where are specimens taken from for an HIV culture?

(HIV) is usually diagnosed with a blood test. Cultures for HIV are possible, but rarely needed for diagnosis.The FDA also approved an HIV test in 2004 that can detect HIV in saliva.

In what year was a blood test to detect HIV founded?

The first test licensed for HIV testing was the ELISA test in 1985. ELISA detects antobodies to the HIV virus, which indicates that the person has been exposed to the virus.

Can a heart blood test detect HIV?

A complete blood count or (CBC) does not "detect" HIV. What is does is take a count of the red, and white blood cells as well as the T cells which are the cells that help our bodies fight infections such as HIV. If a CBC comes back showing low counts a doctor would then have to take further tests to see why the counts are low. Low blood cell counts can be caused by many other diseases, therefore the only way to tell if you have been infected with HIV is to have a doctor perform a blood test for HIV antibodies.

What does hiv blood test reveal?

The standard HIV test, whether a rapid test or one sent to the laboratory, will detect the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus. When the body becomes infected, it will attempt to fight the infection by developing antibodies. Therefore, if a test finds antibodies, it has in essence indicated that the HIV virus is also present.

Can an HIV test detect chlamydia?

No, it's only detected by a chlamydia test.

What is the HIV window test?

The window period with respect to HIV testing is the time of infection, until the time it can be detected during testing (which means antibodies are being produced from the body's immune system).

What does an HIV blood test reveal?

The standard HIV test, whether a rapid test or one sent to the laboratory, will detect the presence of antibodies to the HIV virus. When the body becomes infected, it will attempt to fight the infection by developing antibodies. Therefore, if a test finds antibodies, it has in essence indicated that the HIV virus is also present.

Is a HIV test a medical examination?

No the HIV test is not a medical examination. It is a blood test.

In New South Wales do they check for the HIV virus and AIDS when taking a blood test for pregnancy?

You should discus this with you Doctor. They do not automatically test blood for H I V or AIDS unless told to

Why is a confirmatory test sometimes used to diagnose HIV?

Most forms of HIV testing do not test for the virus itself. The tests are designed to detect antibodies that are related to HIV infection. Although extremely accurate, it is important to confirm any reactive test, making certain the anitbodies that were detected are indeed those from HIV infection.