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Yes and so does any under water mammal

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Q: Does an orca whale come up to the waters surface to breathe?
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Related questions

Does a killer whale need to come to the surface?

Yes, it's a mammal and breathe with lungs.

Do octopuses come to the surface to breathe?

No, they aren't a mammal like a whale or dolphin so they breathe using the oxygen in the water.

Why do whales breathe using gills or lungs?

A whale is a mammal and needs to come to the surface and breath air using two lungs.

What is the difference between a shark and a whale explain please.?

A shark is a fish and a whale is a mammal. Therefor the shark has gills to get oxygen from the water and whales have to breathe air, so they come to the surface.

Why do the wrigglers come to the surface of the water once in a while?

By wrigglers I assume you mean mosquito larvae. They have to come to the surface to breathe.

Do jellyfish come to the surface to breathe?

No they take the oxygen in the water through their gills. However, whale do because they are mammals not fish and all mammals need to breath after all humans don't have gills do they?

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Does the Narwhal Whale come from Antarctica?

No. This is a northern polar animal you can find in Arctic waters.

Can dolphins breathe underwater?

No, a whale is a mammal and therefor needs oxygen. Whales breath air at the surface of the water by taking quick breaths through their blowhole. A flap of skin controlled by muscles opens the blowhold when the whale breathes and closes when the whale goes underwater. Whales can hold their breath from 7-30 minutes.

Why does a shark is able to stay underwater for a long time but a whale cannot?

Sharks and whales have completely different structures and organs. A shark is actually a fish and has gills, while a whale is a mammal and can only breathe with its lung like all mammals. Fish have gills to allow them to breathe underwater. Sharks do not need to come to the surface to breathe.

Can common snapping turtles breathe underwater?

No. Turtles do not have gills so they have to come to the surface of the water to breathe.

What does whales are mammals mean?

It means that whales are warm blooded like us humans. Whales have breath with there lungs. Unlike fish, whales do not remove oxygen from the water but breathe air directly. This means a whale must come to the surface of the water at regular intervals to breathe.