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your bronchioles swell up which restricts the amount of oxygen going into your lungs.

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Q: Does asthma make breathing hard
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How is breathing during an asthma attack?


What is labored breaths?

shallow breathing. Basically if it is hard to breathe, like asthma, you'd be breathing slower than the average person which would make your breathing labored.

What other conditions do people get with asthma?

coughing, hard time breathing , allergies, sore throat

What makes breathing so hard during asthma attack?

your throaht narows down idk

Your pug has a breathing problem and he makes a really strange noise what causes it?

many pugs have asthma so they have a hard time breathing when they don't have enough water

What is the difference between hyperventilation and asthma?

Hyperventilation is rapid breathing which is caused by muscle contractions, particularly the diaphragm which is triggered by the phrenic nerve. Asthma, on the other hand, is associated with spasmodic smooth muscle contraction of the bronchiole tubes in the lungs. In hyperventilation you can breathe quickly in and out. In asthma you have a hard time breathing out, exhaling.

What is normal breathing to the breathing during an asthma attack?

normal breathing is nice and easy while breathing during an asthma attack is difficult and doesnt allow you to fully use your airways.

You took H1N1 mist and have asthma now have trouble breathing?

You took h1n1 mist and have asthma now have trouble breathing?

When I run why do I always have hard breathing even though I don't have asthma?

if you're not that fast and don't usually take long and deep breaths, then breathing difficulties would occur

What disease is asthma?

a breathing disorder

What are the symptoms of asthma in children?

The main symptom of Asthma in children is Wheezing, that is 'trouble in breathing'. Asthma causes a clog in the airways of human respiratory system that causes the trouble in breathing.

Is asthma an illness?

no, it can boost sicknesses, but not cause them.