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normal breathing is nice and easy while breathing during an Asthma attack is difficult and doesnt allow you to fully use your airways.

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Q: What is normal breathing to the breathing during an asthma attack?
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Does Exercise has no effect on breathing?

Excercise DOES affect breathing while doing it. If you have asthma, you will need to be mindful of your breathing rate, for it can lead to an asthma attack. Usually about an hour after you end the excercise, your breathing will be entirely back to normal.==========================================================Did this answer help you, or is it entirely correct? If not, you are welcome to improve it.

Is it normal to feel guilty after an asthma attack?

You shouldn't. If you do, it is probably about something else, not the asthma attack. But I'm no expert ;)

Can your back ache with asthma attack?

not usually but it depends on the person and the attack and what triggered the attack. if it only hurts when you have an attack then you might wanna go to a doctor cause thats not normal with an asthma attack ...

Is acute asthma the worst type of asthma?

Asthma ranges from minor to severe breathing deficiency. However, Acute asthma is NOT one of the most severe forms of this common ailment. It is of moderate stature. New York University Asthma can be alot more painful when servere as i have experienced myself. It will start off like a small asthma attack as normal but then it can go into a rather large one. Here it describes how to get rid of asthma visit

Will a UTI aggravate asthma?

Any infection (including Urinary Tract Infection - UTI) can play some role in asthma, though this is not a normal trigger for an attack.

What happens the oxygen and carbon dioxide blood levels during asthma?

Depending on how controlled the Asthma is, they could be near-normal levels, or they could be very different. If an asthma patient is having difficulty breathing, or has moderate-severe chronic inflammation, their blood O2 levels will likely be lower than normal, as they cannot ventilate themselves properly, while their cells continue to use the O2 at the normal rate. Likewise, because of the difficulty ventilating, they are likely to retain Co2, and will generally have higher than normal co2 levels.

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How does a nebulizer help person with asthma?

A Nebulizer works to administer medication into an individuals lungs through normal breathing. In the case of an individual with Asthma the Bronchioles become inflammed and the individual is unable to effectively draw breath, or respirate. The Nebulizer allows normal breath action to administer medication.

What is the medical term meaning amount of air inspired and expired during normal breathing?

The medical term for the amount of air inspired and expired during normal breathing is tidal volume.

Some Information About Bronchial Asthma Symptoms?

Bronchial asthma is a disease of the lungs. Millions of Americans suffer from asthma. It's a chronic disease they live with every day and sometimes worsens in what are called asthma attacks. Most people who have asthma can live normal lives, but asthma is a serious disease that can be life threatening.What Happens During An Attack?Asthma happens when some irritant or an allergen affects the lungs. The airways, or bronchial tubes, that allow the lungs to take in air constrict. The cells that line the tubes secrete a very thick and sticky sort of mucous that further clogs the airways. On top of this, the airways swell and make it even harder for a patient having an asthma attack to breathe. The air going in and out of the lungs might make a whistling sound and the patient might cough up the excess mucous.An asthma attack might be quite mild or severe enough to put the patient's life in danger. The attack might happen all at once or might take days to develop. Asthma attacks often happen at night, or in the early morning.A mild attack might last only a few minutes. Symptoms of a bronchial asthma attack might be a cough when the patient rests or after they've exercised, the shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. In a very bad asthma attack the patient might have such trouble breathing that they can't talk. Their neck muscles might tighten up and their lips and the beds of their nails might turn blue because of lack of oxygen. The chest might look like it's sunken. This is a medical emergency and the patient needs to be taken an the emergency room.Doctors now know that asthma attacks come in phases. The first phase of an asthma attack might subside, but changes are still happening in the bronchial tubes that can lead to an even worse attack. The inflammation that remains in the lungs causes the airways to narrow even more than they did during the first phase of the attack. This late phase episode is what causes patients to be hospitalized. The late phase attack makes the lungs even more sensitive to irritants than they had been before.

What does it mean if you feel dizzy and you have shortness of breathe and extreme thirst and weak But my sugar level is normal?

Your having an anxiety attack or an asthma attack. Contact your doctor if it continues or gets worse.

What happens to the respiratory rate during a heart attack?

Temperature may rise slightly during a heart attack. Heart rate may become irregular. Respirations may increase and become shallow reflecting shortness of breath. Blood pressure may increase or decrease.