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Q: Does caffeine make you fat
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Does caffeine clog your arteries?

No. Fat and cholesterol clog artetries.

I recently saw a commercal on TV about fat burners, what are fat burners side effects that I should be aware of?

It depends on which TV fat burner you were watching. For the most part fat burners are high in caffeine. Caffeine's major side effect is an increased heart rate. Always check with a doctor before using any fat burner.

Is it safe to take Cymbalta with slimquick?

Do you mean Quick Slim the "magic" fat-burning cream? There is no way that cream can affect fat inside your body, so this does not work at all.Or did you mean SlimQuick, the weight loss pill. This is mostly caffeine with some vitamins in it. You can take it with Cymbalta, but remember all that caffeine is going to make you jittery and nervous.

Does black coffee burn fat?

yes coffie can help burn fat.. it makes you body use fat as an energy source rather than lean musclke mass and the caffeine in it speeds up your metabolic rate yes coffie can help burn fat.. it makes you body use fat as an energy source rather than lean musclke mass and the caffeine in it speeds up your metabolic rate yes coffie can help burn fat.. it makes you body use fat as an energy source rather than lean musclke mass and the caffeine in it speeds up your metabolic rate

Why does caffeine make you colder?


Does caffeine always make you hyper?

No, It sometimes depends on how your body reacts to caffeine..

Is fat burners bad for your heart?

for sure fat burner no good because it is high in caffeine and it make ur heart beat faster mate damage ur heart if u take it too much best don't take any of it

How do you prevent tender breast?

Watch your caffeine intake,caffeine can make your breasts tender.

Is Coca-Cola or Diet Coke better for you?

get a can of coca cola and diet and see how fat does it have and caffeine

What does caffeine do to kids?

make them hyper

Does caffeine make you cold?


What in caffeine makes you hyper?

Caffeine can make you hyper because it blocks the adenosine receptor in the brain. Caffeine increases your own natural stimulant.