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Some people have difficulty swallowing and chewing when the muscles of the face and esophagus are affected

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Q: Does dermatomyositis affect swallowing
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Who discovered dermatomyositis?


Why doesn't the orientation of the esophagus affect swallowing?

There are muscles that line the esophagus to guide the food (bolus) down to the stomach. Contrary to the typical assumption, it is not gravity that powers the act of swallowing. For this reason, you can eat upside down although it isn't recommended.

Is swallowing a reflex or instinct?

Swallowing is a reflex.

Where does deglutition occur?

Deglutition is swallowing, and involves the mouth, pharynx and oesophagus.

How does food get from your mouth to your throat?

by swallowing

Related questions

What complications of Dermatomyositis are there?

Serious complications from DM include involvement of the muscles of the heart and lungs, difficulty eating and swallowing, and a tendency to develop cancer

What causes dermatomyositis?

The exact cause of dermatomyositis is unknown

Is Dermatomyositis rare?

Only about 20,000 people in the United States have dermatomyositis

Does Dermatomyositis affect women more?

In all age groups, females are twice as likely to develop the disease than males

Why is polymyositis similar to dermatomyositis?

Dermatomyositis is identical to polymyositis with the addition of a characteristic skin rash.

Is swallowing affected by hyperthyroidism in cats?

The thyroid surrounds the front of the esophagus. If there is a goiter, it can affect swallowing.

When was dermatomyositis discovered?

The first cases of dermatomyositis were discovered by E. Wagner in 1863 and P. Potain in 1875.

Who discovered dermatomyositis?


What are other types of myopathy or inflammatory muscle disease?

Dermatomyositis (DM) and inclusion body myositis and juvenile dermatomyositis.

What does dermatomyositis eventually cause?

In dermatomyositis, the muscle weakness is accompanied by a rash that appears on the upper body, arms, and fingertips

Does milk affect breathing?

Only when you are in the act of swallowing it.

What is the psychological effect or affect which ever is the applicable of swallowing?

Swallowing affects the physical and mental health of all humans.